A Paranormal True Crime Podcast! Liss delves into anything spooky, and occasionally some true crime. New episodes drop every Thursday starting at 5 AM. ***Discl...
Today Joe comes for another ALIEN tale! He shares the bizarres case in the UK in the 1980's the US miltary stationed there encountered something unexplainable, maybe a prank, maybe extraterrestrials, or maybe a lighthouse! And of course we discuss giant rabbits that live on an island.Thank you so much for listening, and thank you Joe!I put the link the Joe's show below (one I'm on too!)thefilmjoepodcast | Instagram, TikTok | Linktree
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California Cryptids!
This week we talk CRYPTIDS!! Natasha and her new pup come by to discuss some California Cryptids, we talk walking pants, farmer goat hybrids, drunk cats and more!Thank you so much for listening if you want to check Natasha out on her podcast the link is below.https://open.spotify.com/show/4Vx5vw7ledSQtKRhVev9dJ?si=39ae169c1e6c4c57citations10 Most Mysterious Cryptids of California (backpackerverse.com)Hyampom Hog Bear | Cryptid Wiki | FandomThe Billiwhack Monster - Weird California10 Most Mysterious Cryptids of CaliforniaLone Pine Mountain Devil | Cryptid Wiki | FandomCactus Cat | Cryptid Wiki | FandomThree Cat Cryptids: White Death, Wampus Beast, and Cactus Cat - HubPages
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Graham Young AKA The Teacup Poisoner
Graham Young was a British serial killer. Obsessed with poisons and Nazi's from a young age. Murdering and making his victims ill by lacing their drinks with various chemicals. Thank you so much for listening! If you haven't check us out on Patreon, the cheapest tier being free!!!! citationsGraham Young - Poison, Death & TeacupEmsley, John (2005), The Elements of Murder: A History of Poison, OUP Oxford, ISBN 9780191517358Holden, Anthony (1995), The St Albans Poisoner, Corgi Books, ISBN 9780552144087Lloyd, Georgina (1990), With Malice Aforethought, Bantam Press, ISBN 978-0-553-40273-5Michael H. Stone, M.D. & Gary Brucato, Ph.D., The New Evil: Understanding the Emergence of Modern Violent Crime (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books), pp. 479–480. ISBN 978-1-63388-532-5."Schoolboy of 14 committed to Broadmoor". The Times. 6 July 1962.Graham Young | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderersGraham Young - WikipediaBowden, Paul (1996). "Graham Young (1947–90): the St Albans poisoner: his life and times".
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Gloria Ramirez, "The Toxic Lady"
The bizzare events that started when Gloria Ramirez, a young woman went into the emergency room for treatment, and many of the staff that treated her fell ill. Thank you everyone for listening!You can find us on all social media and at Ouchwasthataghost.comIf you want to help support the podcast you can leave us a rating! If you have a story you would like to share email us at [email protected] OF 'TOXIC' WOMAN CLOSED WITH MYSTERY STILL UNSOLVED - The Washington PostAnalysis of a Toxic Death | Discover MagazineA possible chemical explanation for the events associated with the death of Gloria Ramirez at Riverside General Hospital - PubMed (nih.gov)A possible chemical explanation for the events associated with the death of Gloria Ramirez at Riverside General Hospital - ScienceDirectDeath of Gloria Ramirez - WikipediaThe Bizarre Toxic Death Of Gloria Ramirez | BuzzFeed Unsolved Wiki | Fandom
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Conspiracies are scary enough, never mind when they are proven to be true! Take a basic journey with me through the government funded and run experiments that were done on Americans and Canadians, some without their knowledge!Happy New Year!!citationsThe CIA Experimented On Animals in the 1960s Too. Just Ask ‘Acoustic Kitty’ | SmithsonianBBC NEWS | Europe | LSD inventor Albert Hofmann diesFiles Show Tests For Truth Drug Began in O.S.S. - The New York TimesMK‑Ultra (history.com)Ted Kaczynski's connection to MK-Ultra explained — Society's Child — Sott.netMK‑UltraKinzer, Stephen (September 6, 2019). "From mind control to murder? How a deadly fall revealed the CIA's darkest secrets". The Guardian – via www.theguardian.com.Ignatieff, Michael (April 1, 2001). "C.I.A.; What Did the C.I.A. Do to His Father? (Published 2001)". The New York Times.How LSD Works | HowStuffWorksCanadians sue U.S. over mind-control experiments - UPI ArchivesMKUltra - WikipediaHow the CIA Used Brain Surgery to Make Six Remote Control Dogs - NewsweekWhy MKUltra's Top Brainwashing Scientist Was A Real-Life Nightmarehttps://archive.org/details/ChurchCommitteeMind Control: Project MK-Ultra Explained
A Paranormal True Crime Podcast! Liss delves into anything spooky, and occasionally some true crime. New episodes drop every Thursday starting at 5 AM. ***Disclaimer: Please be advised that our podcast is explicit and some episode may contain graphic content***