Are you a target in parental alienation, are you trying to live your best life, is stuff getting in the way?
The Brain Scrub focuses on mental health and I sh...
Yesterday was the day I saw evil in the eyes of top republican members. I can choose not to support these billionaires. Self-Interest doesn't create community and peace - it creates fear and unhealthy power. Bye Bye Facebook and Amazon Prime.
Emotionally detaching from an alienated child
It's taken a lot of work, understanding, compassion and letting go of my fears - and I believe, thanks to all those out there that offer their stories and insights, I am one step closer to peace. Have a listen and reflect on how I am letting go of a future I want, but can't control or influence, so I am choosing a different path.
Happy Holidays! My top 10 mental health helps for 2024
The story of the Brain Scrub and a bit about ADHD
Title says it all.
How Family Law Judges help destroy families
In many countries, efforts to change the family law system to one that treats alienation cases like a criminal case by identifying the facts, is not working. I hope this episode shines some light on what often hides in the shadow.
Are you a target in parental alienation, are you trying to live your best life, is stuff getting in the way?
The Brain Scrub focuses on mental health and I share how I am coping during these unpredictable times by focusing on self-care, improvement and building community.
My goal is to support you in living your best life by sharing what I have done during my journey as an alienated parent.
This podcast explains my path to living a more authentic life by taking a courageous look at my self and focusing on what I can control, me.
I am not an expert and the tools and techniques I share are based on my research, practice and ideas. For mental or physical health challenges, please seek the advice of a qualified practitioner. Absolutely seek professional help to deal with trauma, depression, personality disorders, etc. Support is out there - get it.