57. I Joined A Cult and All I Got Was a Haunting pt 2
Becky continues on her story, outlining how The Stewart Project and Jayolynn tied her to a being on the other side. What made Becky leave? Did she get out?Find out on this episode!Instagram: aconduitsdiaryFacebook: A Conduit's Diary
56. I Joined A Cult and All I Got Was a Haunting pt 1
This is part 1 of a story about Becky and her experiences with a cult. Under the leadership of the enigmatic Jayolynn she fell in deep with a wellness spiritual cult. Little did she know that they were dabbling in the paranormal, and what it would cost her to leave.This is the reuploaded version that SHOULD be this weeks episode!Instagram: aconduitsdiaryFacebook: A Conduit's Diary
55. The First Haunt
Let's go back in time to when I first started my business as a conduit. Ever wondered how I started in the bizz, and what my first cases were?Spoiler alert - the first three were not really paranormal.The fourth?Well...Follow me on Instagram and Facebook as "aconduitsdiary" !
54. An Authentic Haunt
Jerome, Arizona is no stranger to ghosts and haunts. I tend to avoid it, mostly because the overwhelming amount of ghosts.
However - I can be bribed.
When I headed to Jerome to investigate this haunting I had no idea what I was getting into. Turns out, some people love a good haunting.
Follow me on instagram and facebook at A Conduits Diary !
53. The Dress
Today we meet Donovan, who's a bit worried about his fiance. Ever since she's bought that vintage wedding dress she's been...weird.
Sometimes the something "old" comes with baggage.
Follow me on Facebook or Instagram under "A Conduits Diary" or "aconduitsdiary" on instagram!