Ep78: The Ashes and Calls for Federation | 1881 & 1882
This week, we examine the first major inter-colonial conferences to take the idea of federation seriously. Do such ideas succeed? Unlikely! We also discuss the start of Australia's most major cricketing tradition, the Ashes. Finally, we also talk about the beginning of major strikes in the 1880s, a trend that continued over the coming decades.
Ep77: Ned Kelly Part Three | His Death and Legacy
The culmination of what is now an audio documentary of Ned Kelly's life (at over 1.5hrs of content), this episode examines the Kelly Gang's last stand at Glenrowan, and the legacy of Ned Kelly.
Ep76: Ned Kelly Part Two | The Fitzpatrick Incident to the Jerilderie Raid
This week we'll be looking towards the Bushranger's life, as he goes from small-time criminal to well-known highwayman, and discuss what Ned did throughout the years that he was a Bushranger, from 1876 to 1879.
Ep75: Ned Kelly Part 1 | The Early Years
In this episode, the first part of three, we look at the beginning of Ned Kelly's life, and his upbringing as part of the massive Kelly clan. We'll see how he grew up, and his first forays into a life of crime and bushranging, working to understand what led him to be the person he'd become.
Ep74: The Sydney Riot of 1879 and Captain Moonlite | 1879 & 1880
This week, we discuss the events of 1879-1880, as they occurred around Ned Kelly. From a riot over cricket which would include Australia's future first prime minister, to another bushranger whose life has been overshadowed by Kelly, this week is incredibly interesting!
Next week, we'll be diving straight into Ned Kelly and his gang!