A podcast for people interested in the power of the planets. With host Valkyrja Vörðr Raina, dive into what's happening in the sky and see how our collective ma...
This week is not a weak week, it's going to ask that we start to get up even more, take things a bit more seriously, and share with care if (and when) we need to. Lots of unpredictableness is grounding, and there's going to be an incline. So, be ready, and we're going 🙌🏼Notes for the week:10-13 moon in LeoFull moon February 12th at 13:54 pm UTCRuled by the sun in Aquarius13-14 moon in virgo with south nodeFirst moon in virgo since the lunar nodes have shifted into virgo and piscesMoon is ruled by mercury in Aquarius, then mercury in pisces14th- Mercury enters pisces at 12:07 pm UTCMoon will be at 18 degrees in virgo when Mercury enters pisces15-17moon in libra with dark moon17th- north node and Neptune are both officially in 28 degrees of pisces, although their exact conjunction will not occur until February 23rd (a day before mars goes direct)❤️Community Organizing & Coven Support❤️https://matrix.to/#/#the-guild-a-coven:matrix.org🌱Books of Spells 2, Poetry for the Warrior Witch🌱https://www.vordr.art/book-of-spells-2📕Book of Spells 1, Poetry to Educate the Witch📚https://www.vordr.art/book-of-spells-i✍️Blog & Email Updates🪐https://vordr.substack.com🎤Podcast💫https://www.astrologyandmagick.com/podcast💖Study Astrology💖https://www.astrologyandmagick.com/study🌚NFT Collections 🌝Death:https://www.vordr.art/deathRebirth:https://www.vordr.art/rebirth⚡️Norse Magick, Book One, The Runes⚡️https://www.vordr.art/norse-magick-the-runes🔮Offer to the Well (tip Jar)🔮https://www.vordr.art/shop/p/offer-to-the-well-tip-jar💜Send Me A Book💜https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ZNHIZ2H7V734?ref_=wl_share
Preparing for Venus Retrograde 2025
Venus Retrogrades can sometimes be a bit harsh, and they're always asking us to redefine our worth. So, in preparation for this time of Worth, and grounding with the feminine- here are some helpful tips, notes, and other information for our upcoming Venus retrograde. There's probably going to be some big shifts this summer, and this retrograde of Venus is one of the foundational shifts of preparation for Neptune and Saturn to start their dance in Aries. Here comes the growth, change, and rearrange ❤️
Notes for the week:
Venus retrograde time span:
March 2 at 12:36 (noon:36) UTC - Venus retrogrades in Aries
April 12 at 13:04 (10:34 am) UTC - Venus goes direct in Pisces
Other important dates for other transits:
March 27- Dark Moon enters Scorpio
March 27- Venus retrograde is going to reenter Pisces
April 30- Venus Direct enters aries
May 25- Saturn enters Aries
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Everything is Falling Into Place: February 1-9
There are so many shifts this week. Take care. of yourself out there, the big winds are returning, there's a lot that we're learning- and there's a lot of Elevation near us. If you're feeling a little shaken up, let there be reset energy for you. And, if you've been doing everything you need to do- there's about to be a massive shift in energy. Love you, and I'll talk to you soon 💖
Notes for this week:
Lots of shift, lots of lifts, lots of gifts
January 31- February 1, Venus and Neptune Conjunct in Pisces
Feb 2 & 3- moon in Aries, ruled by Mars Rx in Cancer
Feb 3- Venus & North node conjunct in Pisces
Feb 3rd at 21:41 UTC- Jupiter in Gemini Goes direct, ruled by mercury in Aquarius
Feb 4th at 7:57 UTC- Venus enters Aries, ruled by Mars Rx in Cancer- and Venus is about to retrograde also
Feb 4th & 5th- 1st Quarter Moon in Taurus with Uranus, ruled by Venus in Aries-lots of shifts, one thing after the other, domino effect, things falling into place simultaneously and without effort. What have you prepared for?
Feb 6th & 7th- Moon in Gemini with Jupiter, ruled by a Mercury conjunct Sun in Aquarius
End of day Feb 8th UTC into early Feb 9th- Mercury is fully conjunct sun in Aquarius
Feb 8th & 9th- moon in cancer with Mars Rx
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This Week is Crazy: January 24-31
When I say "this week is crazy" we have some major transitions, all happening within about 48 hours of each other. Lots of shifts, lots of gifts, lots of lifts. It's going to be a crazy week, the winds of Change are here- we have arrived in the new, and we're about to find out what Spirit is really asking us to do. I'm looking forward to it, and I'll be locked in and clocked in as we move forward together. Love you, and may the Spirits Elevate you in Love True.
Notes for the week:
24-25 moon in Sagittarius
Ruled by Jupiter rx in gemini
Focusing on ending the story. What needs to be done, what can become new? Is there anything else you need to do- let this moon really ask of you.
26-28 moon in Capricorn
Balsamic moon, final moon phase
Reply closing out the cycles, and LARGE spiritual endings. Let it be done, and thank you Death.
The 28th is where it gets interesting
Moon shifts into Aquarius for the 28-30
28th at 2:53 AM UTC- mercury shifts into Aquarius (effectively conjunct with Pluto by one degree)
28th at 19:32 / 7:32 PM UTC moon shifts into Aquarius (also conjunct with Pluto and mercury by a degree)
29th at 6:50 AM UTC The nodes shift over into Pisces NN and Virgo SN
NN in Pisces ruled by Neptune in Pisces, Virgo SN ruled by Mercury in Aquarius (which is a part of the upcoming new moon)
29th at 12:36 UTC- new moon in Aquarius is exact, ruled by Saturn in Pisces and Uranus RX in Taurus (ruled by Venus in Pisces)
30th- Uranus goes direct in Taurus at 4:23 am UTC
30-1 moon in pisces
Our first real look of what the nodes are going to be,
A time of transition in the new moon ruled by Aquarius time- it’s a moon to GET THE WORK DONE AND OVER WITH
Also a time where transitions are non-negotiable. Maybe more serious than normal.
The winds of Change START HERE so buckle up cuz it’s about to be a wild ride.
Venus is conjunct Neptune on the 1st with the moon is in pisces- but more on that in the next episode
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Not Everything Can Be Predicted, It's Aquarius Season: January 14-23
Lots of revealing, healing, honor, and simultaneously moving forward while things end this week. It's a pick up and a lift off. We're starting the new, are you ready to do what you came to do? I hope I'm ready too!
Notes for the week are too long for the description- check out the blog for exact times of transits, and other information that was written down as highlights for the week 💖 (sometimes I write a lot, thanks for being able to shift over to the blog space this week for notes everyone)
🌱Books of Spells 2, Poetry for the Warrior Witch🌱
📕Book of Spells 1, Poetry to Educate the Witch📚
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Death: https://www.vordr.art/death
Rebirth: https://www.vordr.art/rebirth
⚡️Norse Magick, Book One, The Runes⚡️
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A podcast for people interested in the power of the planets. With host Valkyrja Vörðr Raina, dive into what's happening in the sky and see how our collective magick will be altared by the planetary positions and shifts. It's a magickal time of the year, all year round, in all the houses and signs.
Thank you for being here, I send my Gratitude through to you- and may your path be warded in Love True.
For more information on personal sessions, mentorships, and more: https://www.astrologyandmagick.com/❤️
For email updates & monthly/yearly support subscriptions: https://vordr.substack.com/