Episode 145.1 - "The Ocean Will Take Care of the Oil": SS Torrey Canyon, Pt. I
This week we begin the story of the SS Torrey Canyon, the first major oil tanker spill in history. This part of the episode has us looking into the background of the vessel itself and her captain, Pastrengo Rugiati. Register for Terror Camp here!!! (virtual, December 6 - 8); this will include keynote speakers including author Julian Sancton (Madhouse at the End of the Earth) and Jared Harris (Francis Crozier on The Terror among many many other roles) Check out the Save Me! Podcast here Sources:Green, Anna and Timothy Cooper. “Community and Exclusion: The Torrey Canyon Disaster of 1967.” The Journal of Social History, vol. 48, no. 4, 2015, pp. 892 - 909. Hassler, Bjorn. “Accidental Versus Operational Oil Spills from Shipping in the Baltic Sea: Risk Governance and Management Strategies.” Ambio, vol. 40, 2011, pp. 170 - 178. Petrow, Richard. In the Wake of Torrey Canyon: The Great Oil Disaster - Its Causes, Consequences, and Lessons for the Future. David McKay Company, 1968.Published in Britain as The Black TideSheail, John. “Torrey Canyon: The Political Dimension.” The Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 485 - 504. Uekotter, Frank. The Vortex. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2023. Support the show