At Fount Church, our vision is Jesus Christ, our reality is freedom, our mission is people, and our cause is love. We are 1 church, 3 cities—NYC, Paris and Ber...
In Philippians 2, Paul refers to putting on the mind of Christ and the humility that comes with it. When we trust in circumstances or mountain top expereinces, it can easily try to exalt us instead of bringing us low into humility. In this week's Leadership Lesson, Pastor Ryan Schlachter gives practical tips and examples on how humility can form us more into the image of Christ.
You've Got a Killer Heart | Manhattan
In exploring the sixth commandment, 'You shall not murder,' we uncover a profound truth: we all have a 'killer heart.' This commandment goes far beyond physical murder, addressing the roots of anger, hatred, and devaluation of human life. Jesus expands on this in Matthew 5, equating anger and insults with murder in God's eyes. The core of this command is clear: all human life is sacred, bearing God's image. We're called to be life-givers, not life-takers, in every aspect of our lives. In this week’s Sunday Manhattan message, Pastor Ryan Schlachter invites us to value others as God does, bringing life and peace to our relationships, workplaces, and communities.
Your Brother's Keeper | Brooklyn
In this powerful exploration of the sixth commandment, ‘You shall not murder,' we're challenged to look beyond the literal act and into the depths of our hearts. The story of Cain and Abel serves as a stark reminder that violence begins in our thoughts and emotions long before it manifests in our actions. By learning to investigate our anger, we can address its root causes and respond in ways that honor both ourselves and others as image-bearers of God. In this week’s Sunday Brooklyn message, Pastor Amy Perez invites us to a deeper level of self-awareness and spiritual growth, challenging us to be 'our brother's keeper' in every interaction.
Honor Your Parents | Manhattan
The fifth commandment is not just about obedience, but about shaping our entire approach to relationships and authority. The Ten Commandments offers a guide to shift from a modern, individualistic mindset to one that values responsibility, legacy, and respect for divinely-appointed authority. In this week’s Sunday message, Pastor Ryan Schlachter encourages us that honoring our parents, even when it’s difficult, is a pathway to personal growth, societal stability, and spiritual maturity. It’s a call to reflect on how our family dynamics shape our broader worldview and our relationship with God.
A Conversation on Sabbath | Leadership Lessons
In this Leadership Lesson, Pastor Luis Guerrero hosts a conversation with Pastor Kevin Myers and Steph Rivas on how to practically apply the fourth commandment of Sabbath to our modern context.
At Fount Church, our vision is Jesus Christ, our reality is freedom, our mission is people, and our cause is love. We are 1 church, 3 cities—NYC, Paris and Berlin—led by Pastors Josh and Georgie Kelsey. Join us this Sunday online, find out more at