At Fount Church, our vision is Jesus Christ, our reality is freedom, our mission is people, and our cause is love. We are 1 church, 3 cities—NYC, Paris and Ber...
We often create our own version of God—one that’s convenient, indulgent, and never challenges us. But the second commandment warns us against this very trap. The gods we make up never challenge us. They agree with everything we do. There’s no laying down our life. Everything is catered towards us. But we are called to be living sacrifices, image bearers of a Heavenly Father who knelt in the dust to craft us. In this week's Manhattan Sunday message, Pastor Ryan Schlachter implores us to surrender our self-made idols and worship the true, living God who transforms us.
Idols in Plain Sight | Brooklyn
John Calvin descibres the human heart as an "idol factory," continually manufacturing images that try to fulfill desires in our hearts. However, the second commandment of the Ten Commandments directs us to not make idols of any kind. What do we as followers of God deal with this tension and surrender fully to him? In this week's Brooklyn Sunday message, Pastor Amy Perez invites us to reconsider our priorities and rediscover our true identity as image-bearers of God, designed to reflect His glory in the world.
Halfway Holy
Running the race faithfully is not guaranteed based on our background or upbringing if we don't have a focus for the future. If we allow idols to live in our hearts, we probably won’t make it as disciples of God at the end of our lives. In this message from Pastor Ryan Schlachter at our ALLIN night, we learn the dangers of letting idols stay in our lives, and the freedom that is available when we choose to follow God fully.
Plenty of Water
In John 3 we see an interaction John the Baptist has with his disciples, comparing him to the ministry of Jesus. He responds in a way that defies the comparison, conflict, and criticism that could arise, recognizing that there is plenty of water for both ministries of baptism in the land. In this week's Leadership Lesson, Pastor Amy Perez unpacks the biblical significance of water while also encouraging us that there is room for all to flourish in the body of Christ and house of God.
We’ve Got a gods Problem
In the Ten Commandments, 'You shall have no other gods before me,' challenges us to confront the idols in our lives that compete with our devotion to God. Anything we prioritize above God—be it money, relationships, or even our own desires—can become an idol. As we hear from Pastor Ryan Schlachter, we discover that identifying idols in our lives isn't meant to shame us, but liberate us from the promises of false loves and lead us into a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with our Creator.
At Fount Church, our vision is Jesus Christ, our reality is freedom, our mission is people, and our cause is love. We are 1 church, 3 cities—NYC, Paris and Berlin—led by Pastors Josh and Georgie Kelsey. Join us this Sunday online, find out more at