Four survivors of a magical apocalypse embark on a road trip through the fantasy wasteland that once was America. Filled with mischievous and often malicious ot...
Vote for Hymns for the Road for the Audio Verse Awards! Thomas as SilverPao Panginiban as GlassGriz Siebeneck as AmberTabitha Bardall as Copper Written, Directed, and Produced by Anna Maguire Original Music by Joshua David Mitchell Support us on Patreon for ad-free downloads, bonus content, and more! Your donations keep us running so we can keep creating great shows for you! CONTENT WARNINGSChild neglect Visit for more information, transcripts, our newsletter, and even other shows! Hymns for the Road is licensed under an International Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike license.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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Episode 13 - The Hot Spring
STARRINGMaurice Thomas as SilverPao Panginiban as GlassGriz Siebeneck as AmberTabitha Bardall as Copper Featuring Tarek Esaw as Oak, Mei Xin Bierzynski as Ivy, Vincent Holmes as Trash Hunter, Ray O’Hare as Sad Chris, and Anna Maguire as the Shepard Winter Written, Directed, and Produced by Anna Maguire Original Music by Joshua David Mitchell Support us on Patreon for ad-free downloads, bonus content, and more! Your donations keep us running so we can keep creating great shows for you! CONTENT WARNINGSDrowningHypothermiaHigh pitched noises Visit for more information, transcripts, our newsletter, and even other shows! Hymns for the Road is licensed under an International Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike license.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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Episode 12 - Aster
STARRINGMaurice Thomas as SilverPao Panginiban as GlassGriz Siebeneck as AmberTabitha Bardall as Copper Featuring Tom Schalk as the Bog Monster and Justice Washington as Aster Written, Directed, and Produced by Anna Maguire Original Music by Joshua David Mitchell Support us on Patreon for ad-free downloads, bonus content, and more! Your donations keep us running so we can keep creating great shows for you! CONTENT WARNINGSViolenceCannibalismHigh pitched noises Visit for more information, transcripts, our newsletter, and even other shows! Hymns for the Road is licensed under an International Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike license.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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Episode 11 - The Vengeful City
STARRINGMaurice Thomas as SilverPao Panginiban as GlassGriz Siebeneck as AmberTabitha Bardall as Copper Featuring Anna Maguire as the Green Queen Written, Directed, and Produced by Anna Maguire Original Music by Joshua David Mitchell Support us on Patreon for ad-free downloads, bonus content, and more! Your donations keep us running so we can keep creating great shows for you! Visit for more information, transcripts, our newsletter, and even other shows! Hymns for the Road is licensed under an International Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike license.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
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Episode 10 - The Diner
STARRINGMaurice Thomas as SilverPao Panginiban as GlassGriz Siebeneck as AmberTabitha Bardall as Copper Featuring Emily Foulger as the Waiter Written, Directed, and Produced by Anna Maguire Original Music by Joshua David Mitchell Support us on Patreon for ad-free downloads, bonus content, and more! Your donations keep us running so we can keep creating great shows for you! Visit for more information, transcripts, our newsletter, and even other shows! CONTENT WARNINGSChewingDeath Hymns for the Road is licensed under an International Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike license.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Four survivors of a magical apocalypse embark on a road trip through the fantasy wasteland that once was America. Filled with mischievous and often malicious otherworldly creatures, strange and esoteric survival rules, and impossible, dreamlike landscapes, the world has become both indescribably beautiful, and ruthlessly, indiscriminately deadly.