Wherever you are on your journey to glorify God, we’re so glad you’re here. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges ...
Applying the Gospel to Everyday Life with Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler
In this week’s episode, Hunter chats with Laura and Emily of Risen Motherhood about applying the gospel to our everyday lives. They work through what it practically looks like to apply the framework of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation to the very real problems we face, and they also chat about the upcoming sunset of Risen Motherhood and what’s next for Laura and Emily!
Have you ever heard of the Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation framework? How does this help you understand the gospel more fully?
What is an issue in your life right now that you can apply CFRC to? Perhaps either journal through the framework or talk it through out loud with a friend.
Emily mentioned growing in your understanding of Scripture and the spiritual disciplines. What is one small step you can take today to move toward this kind of growth?
Who is someone whom you might connect with or go deeper with to discuss the issues you’re dealing with through a gospel lens?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.
Living in Line with Your Conscience with Bobby Jamieson
As believers we are united in Christ—and there will still be issues about which we disagree. As Bobby Jamieson reminded us in this week's episode, "Those disagreements can always threaten to become divisions." But there is hope! We can learn how to understand our conscience, listen to God's leading, and engage those we disagree with by showing kindness and respect and remembering the unity we share in Christ. We pray the practical and Scripture-based encouragement this episode offers will help you think through how to both understand and live in line with your conscience.
What are some differing matters of conscience that you have encountered either personally, in relationships with others, or with those in your church?
Are there friends or influencers who you have been tempted to “outsource your conscience” to, meaning you adopt their practices without gauging your own conscience?
Bobby mentioned several passages (listed in our show notes) that would be helpful to better understand conscience. Perhaps select one today to read through or study with a friend.
Is there a trusted pastor, friend, or mentor with whom you could have a conversation about your own personal questions about issues of conscience? Perhaps reach out to them today.
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.
Living a Prayerful Life with Megan Hill
Do you ever find yourself subconsciously crying out to God in a desperate moment? Maybe it's a "Lord, help me" prayer in a time of need, or a "Jesus, come quickly" when your heart is heavy. Sometimes life brings us to the end of ourselves in a way that reminds our hearts to call out to God. As we reach the end of ourselves we realize, to whom else can we go (John 6:68)? He is the One who is sovereign, able, good, and kind. In this week's conversation with Megan Hill, Hunter and Megan talk about how vital prayer is to the life of the Christian.
How has the Lord used prayer to help you navigate hard things?
What has it looked like (or what might it look like) for you to incorporate prayer into your daily rhythm, even with all of the distractions of life?
Has the Lord used prayer to draw you toward other believers? How so?
What might you bring to the Lord in prayer today?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.
Looking to Christ with Whitney Newby
Have you ever felt like you have nothing left…and yet you’re being asked to give more? Sometimes this place of utter depletion and emptiness can feel scary, but it is actually here that we can lift our eyes to Jesus and find so much more of God’s goodness, strength, and nearness. In this week’s episode, Hunter chats with Whitney Newby about how we can orient our gaze to Christ in the midst of the various challenges of life. We pray this episode encourages you—wherever you are and whatever you’re walking through—and presses you to lean on the Lord for strength.
Have you ever felt like you are pouring from an empty cup? How have you seen Christ’s sufficiency in those moments?
What Scriptures that Whitney and Hunter shared (you can find them all in the show notes!) resonated most with you? Consider memorizing it this week!
Have you faced a season that felt like it was too much? How did God use it to help you learn to fully cast yourself on him?
Did you resonate with Hunter and Whitney’s conversation about lack of self-control and anger? Where do you find yourself struggling most, and how do you practice walking in repentance and receiving God’s grace?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.
The Remedy for Discontentment with Jill Atogwe
In this week’s episode with Jill Atogwe, Hunter and Jill talk about our natural tendency toward discontent, and how even our areas of deficiency and lack can press us more into Jesus. We pray this episode reminds you that even in—perhaps especially in—those places where you feel most weak and humbled, there is space for growth and intimacy with God.
“Is God really good?” Have you ever found yourself asking this question? When the diagnosis comes back, when everything crashes down, when the other shoe drops… In the midst of suffering, if you listen to your feelings and to the world, the answer to that question is “No.” But, as Jill reminded us in this week’s episode, “if you open the Word, you will see the One that God loved most—himself—he allowed to live a life of suffering and to die a death of the ultimate untouchable suffering for us to live with him in eternity forever.”
Sister, in your difficulty remember what is true: God is good and he can only do good (Psalm 119:68). You can trust him.
What are some things you feel that God has “left out” of your story?
How have these deficiencies, or things you felt like God left out, pressed you into more of Christ?
What does it look like for you to deal with discontentment in your life? What root sins come up when you are faced with lack?
Are there any passages from Scripture that you find encouraging in your struggle with discontent? Consider memorizing one this week!
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.
Wherever you are on your journey to glorify God, we’re so glad you’re here. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.