Welcome to Soul Talk - conversations with fascinating people about their relationship with spirituality.
Join Hollie Azzopardi as she sits opposite people from all walks of life - friends, clients, and strangers alike - in an attempt to de-pedestal spiritual teachings and concepts, with the recognition that we ALL have a story to tell - no matter our level of influence, or what we 'do' for a living. Each episode dives deep into conversation with fascinating people and how their relationship with spirituality has helped shape the direction of their life.
Connect with Soul Talk:Instagram:Â @soulttalkthepodcast
Facebook:Â facebook.com/groups/soultalkthepodcast
Website:Â hollieazzopardi.com/soultalkÂ
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Connect with Hollie:www.hollieazzopardi.com Instagram: @hollie_azzopardiÂ