Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christ...
Interview: Jonathan Morrow – Navigating Screen Time and Social Media
Greg talks to Jonathan Morrow, creator of the Refresh Roadmap online course, about strategies to help parents navigate screen time and social media with their kids.
Interview: Jonathan Morrow, creator of the Refresh Roadmap course, on navigating screen time and social media with your kids (00:00)
Mentioned on the Show:
Jonathan Morrow’s website
Refresh Roadmap: A Practical Guide for Parents to Navigate Screen Time and Social Media with Confidence – This link automatically includes the 20% discount.
20% off code for listeners at refreshcourse.net: STR
Impact 360
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt
Four Simple Skills to Help Your Kids Soar Above the Crowd
Greg talks about four skills to instill in your kids to increase their maturity, then he answers questions about God being in A-theory time, identifying as sinners vs. saints, responding to someone who attributes everything to “the universe,” and disagreement in the early church.
Commentary: Four simple skills to help your kids soar above the crowd (00:00)
Why can’t we exist under an A-theory of time while God exists under a B-theory of time, and if God exists in A-theory time, don’t we have an infinite regression issue? (20:00)
What are your thoughts on simultaneously being sinners and saints, and which should we identify with more? (34:00)
How would you engage someone in conversation who keeps attributing things that happen to “the universe”? (46:00)
Contrary to apologetics claims of Catholics, why should we look to the early church for our doctrine and praxis when it seems like there was plenty of disagreement and heresy in the early church? (52:00)
Mentioned on the Show:
Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 21–22, in Philadelphia, PA; April 25–26 in Dayton, OH
The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions
Are Prayers Pointless If God Knows What Will Happen?
Greg answers questions about whether prayers are pointless if God knows what will happen, why we would be held responsible for Adam and Eve’s decisions, how John 3:13 could say no one has ascended into Heaven, and interactions between non-physical things and physical things.
If God knows what will happen tomorrow, then God cannot change tomorrow, which means all prayers are null and void and cannot change anything. (00:00)
Why would anyone be responsible for Adam and Eve’s decisions? The idea that we’re born sick and in need of a savior is simply immoral and unjust Christian dogma meant to control your mind. (19:00)
How do you reconcile John 3:13 (which says that no one has ascended into Heaven) with Lazarus (whom Jesus raised from the dead) and with 2 Corinthians 5:6–9 (which says that to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord)? (36:00)
A Jehovah’s Witness said sin became embedded in Adam and Eve’s DNA, and I asked how something non-physical can be embedded in something physical, but then I realized that I do think our soul can interact with our body, so what is the difference between these two ideas? (46:00)
Mentioned on the Show:
Submit a question on the Open Mic Line
Related Links:
Can a Non-Physical Being Affect the Physical World? by Amy Hall
What Would You Say to an Apathetic Person?
Greg answers questions about what Deuteronomy 13:11 means when it says that “all Israel will hear and be afraid,” whether we should “leave our offering at the altar” to reconcile with a bully, apathetic people, leading an Outpost as a woman, and accepting vs. resisting difficult situations.
Does the phrase “All Israel will hear and be afraid” in Deuteronomy 13:11 refer to being afraid after hearing the punishment was carried out or being afraid after hearing what the prescribed punishment is for the crime? (02:00)
How does Jesus telling us to “leave our offering at the altar” to go reconcile with someone and to “take the log out of our own eye” apply to dealing with an evil bully? (11:00)
What would you say to an apathetic person or someone who compartmentalizes their religious life to help them see their need for the Lord? (24:00)
Do you have any guidance on how I could proceed to convince my pastor to let me lead an STR Outpost as a woman? (38:00)
Recognizing that we have personal responsibility and free will, and God is sovereign and all-knowing, how do we know if the difficult thing we’re going through is discipline from God and we should wait for his rescue or if it isn’t and we should try to resist it? (47:00)
Mentioned on the Show:
STR Outposts
Related Links:
Should Women Teach in Church? by Greg Koukl
Isn’t Animal Death a Result of the Fall?
Greg answers questions about animal death before the fall, reaching adult children who are caught up in the culture’s political movements, whether Greg illegitimately dismisses claims of supernatural intervention, and advice for finding a Bible-believing, traditional church.
When it comes to animal death, should we really think everything has been the same since the beginning when it seems like God fundamentally changed things after the fall? (02:00)
What are your thoughts on reaching adult children and grandchildren who are caught up in the culture’s political movements? (22:00)
Are you asking us to dismiss the idea of any supernatural intervention unless we have absolute proof just so we don’t look like “silly Christians”? (35:00)
I live in an area where many of the churches are problematic, and it seems impossible to find a Bible-believing, traditional church. Do you have any advice? (47:00)
Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity. Released every Wednesday and Friday.