The Secret History of Antarctica: Death on the Ice
Crowd Network
The Secret History of Antarctica: Death on the Ice.
From the team behind The Secret History of Flight 149 and The Secret History of the Estonia, journalist Ste...
Now that The Secret History of Antarctica: Death on the Ice has come to an end, here's a clip from another podcast we think you'll like.
It's called Oceans: Life Under Water, an immersive storytelling podcast about the oceans from Crowd Network and Greenpeace, hosted by wildlife filmmaker and broadcaster Hannah Stitfall.
To listen to the rest of the episode and the whole series, search for Oceans: Life Under Water in your favourite podcast app.
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Antarctica | Ep 6 | Theories
In the final episode, Rodney’s friends and colleagues give their theories about what really happened. Suicide, accident, or foul play? And 24 years on, Stephen demands answers from the authorities to his own questions about the investigation.
Episodes released for free every Monday.
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Antarctica | Ep 5 | The Coroner's Verdict
The post-mortem is finished, and the cause of Rodney’s death sends shock waves through the tight-knit South Pole community. How? And will the New Zealand investigation uncover the truth?
Episodes released for free every Monday.
You can listen to the whole series ad-free straight away by subscribing to the Crowd Stories channel on Apple Podcasts.
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Antarctica | Ep 4 | Madhouse at the End of the Earth
Warning: this episode contains a story about sexual assault. This series began with investigation into the death of Rodney Marks, but it’s developed into something much broader. A bleak picture of how mysterious deaths, and crimes in general, are dealt with in Antarctica.
In this episode, Stephen hears first-hand about a pervasive culture of harassment and sexual assault in Antarctica. He hears how Antarctic authorities who are supposed to investigate can display shocking levels of incompetence.
Episodes released for free every Monday.
You can listen to the whole series ad-free straight away by subscribing to the Crowd Stories channel on Apple Podcasts.
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Antarctica | Ep 3 | The Cop
Rodney Marks is dead. But what really happened? Enter two men determined to solve the mystery, a cop and a coroner from New Zealand.
But who’s in charge when someone dies, in a land that belongs to no-one? Stephen digs into the complexities of Antarctic jurisdiction.
Episodes released for free every Monday.
You can listen to the whole series ad-free straight away by subscribing to the Crowd Stories channel on Apple Podcasts.
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About The Secret History of Antarctica: Death on the Ice
The Secret History of Antarctica: Death on the Ice.
From the team behind The Secret History of Flight 149 and The Secret History of the Estonia, journalist Stephen Davis investigates the mysterious death of a scientist at the South Pole in the year 2000, and interrogates why the investigation failed to uncover the truth.
Producer: Anna Staufenberg.
Mixing and sound design: Rory Auskerry.
Executive producer: Steve Jones.
Listen to the whole series straight away and ad-free by subscribing to the Crowd Stories channel on Apple Podcasts. Get them ad-free on Amazon Music.
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