19 Hits the Dragon is a bi-weekly podcast about Dungeons and Dragons, Tabletop RPGs and other nerdy things. Join me as I sit down with some great creators in th...
Paranormal Inc. Part 2 - A Blursing In Disguise (Final)
They mystery comes to a head as the investigators gather the final clues they need. Theories swirl and unbelievable truths are uncovered. What spirits are plaguing Antenna 8 and why is Billy Ray Cyrus at the center of it all? The crew of Paranormal Inc. cracks the case wise open but will they be able to lay these spirits to rest?
A huge thanks to our guests for joining us for this incredible game. Genuinely the most fun I had all season.
Alex Rodriguez will be playing Madame Nancy, the medium. Alex can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast and guesting on lots of other great actual plays. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
David Easley plays Sasha Graymatter, the Ghost. David is the GM Trials of the Apocalypse you fan find them wherever you get your podcasts or check follow this link to find them on your podcatcher of choice: https://linktr.ee/TotaPodcast or follow them on twitter while you can @TotaPodcast
Reed plays Dr. Parsimony Dimer the scientist. If you want to hear more from Reed you can check out their podcasts: Deimos Paradox - Twitter: @DeimosParadox; Bring Your Own Mech - Twitter @OwnMech or follow them on Twitter @ReedPlays
Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his itch.io page here: https://conan-lybarian.itch.io/ check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel
I chat about my character Humphrey the Bookworm and then we dive into the mechanics of the game and how the game itself works.
If you want to check out paranormal Inc. for yourself you can go to https://afurness.itch.io/paranormal-inc to buy yourself a copy. I strongly encourage such actions cause this game is great.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
The music for this mystery is "Sad Strings" performed by Ivan Duch. You can hear this song and many more on his website ivanduch.com
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Paranormal Inc. Part 1 - Achy Breaky Signal
A spirit screeches through the air waves of the radio station Antenna 8. Voices call out to some listeners and whispers drive away others. The station has called in the investigators of Paranormal Inc. to appease or dispel the spirits.
The mystery begins in our actual play of the Paranormal Inc. Mystery "Antenna 8" by Sven Truckenbrodt.
Alex Rodriguez will be playing Madame Nancy, the medium. Alex can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast and guesting on lots of other great actual plays. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
David Easley plays Sasha Graymatter, the Ghost. David is the GM Trials of the Apocalypse you fan find them wherever you get your podcasts or check follow this link to find them on your podcatcher of choice: https://linktr.ee/TotaPodcast or follow them on twitter while you can @TotaPodcast
Reed plays Dr. Parsimony Dimer the scientist. If you want to hear more from Reed you can check out their podcasts: Deimos Paradox - Twitter: @DeimosParadox; Bring Your Own Mech - Twitter @OwnMech or follow them on Twitter @ReedPlays
Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his itch.io page here: https://conan-lybarian.itch.io/ check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel
I chat about my character Humphrey the Bookworm and then we dive into the mechanics of the game and how the game itself works.
If you want to check out paranormal Inc. for yourself you can go to https://afurness.itch.io/paranormal-inc to buy yourself a copy. I strongly encourage such actions cause this game is great.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
The music for this mystery is "Sad Strings" performed by Ivan Duch. You can hear this song and many more on his website ivanduch.com
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Paranormal Inc. Session 0
We're back with another Actual Play arc! We begin our playthrough of Paranormal Inc. with meting the cast of characters and talking about how the game works.
Really excited for all of our guest players, all of whom will be familiar to long time listeners.
Alex Rodriguez will be playing Madame Nancy, the medium. Alex can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast and guesting on lots of other great actual plays. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
David Easley plays Sasha Graymatter, the Ghost. David is the GM Trials of the Apocalypse you fan find them wherever you get your podcasts or check follow this link to find them on your podcatcher of choice: https://linktr.ee/TotaPodcast or follow them on twitter while you can @TotaPodcast
Reed plays Dr. Parsimony Dimer the scientist. If you want to hear more from Reed you can check out their podcasts: Deimos Paradox - Twitter: @DeimosParadox; Bring Your Own Mech - Twitter @OwnMech or follow them on Twitter @ReedPlays
Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his itch.io page here: https://conan-lybarian.itch.io/ check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel
I chat about my character Humphrey the Bookworm and then we dive into the mechanics of the game and how the game itself works.
If you want to check out paranormal Inc. for yourself you can go to https://afurness.itch.io/paranormal-inc to buy yourself a copy. I strongly encourage such actions cause this game is great.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Our Actioneers reach the IT Archives floor and they are within reach of finding the Floppy Disk and fulfilling their daily objectives. It won't be so easy though as they are met with the dread and depression of the IT collective who have been under the boot of Senior Leadership. How can the Actioneers persevere in the face of utter despair caused by corporate abuse?
If you want to hear more from the creator of Corner Office, follow Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his itch.io page here: https://conan-lybarian.itch.io/ check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel and go to https://www.obsidianportal.com/ for some great campaign building and management tools.
Hear more from Josh Newton on The Table Top Journey's Podcast, you can go to their website https://ttjourneys.com/ or find wherever you get your podcasts. Follow them on twitter @TTJourneys.
Alex Rodriguez can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Corner Office Episode 2 - Per My Last Email: BRAAAAIIIINS!
Our team of Actioneers continues to pursue their objectives and deliver on their KPIs. The Halloween party on the HR floor is, well no longer lively and the Company Co. snack table has left them wanting something...juicier.
I've heard Corporate Offices were full of mindless drones but this is ridiculous!
Join us for Part 2 of our Actual Play Series of Corner Office!
Follow Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his itch.io page here: https://conan-lybarian.itch.io/ check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel and go to https://www.obsidianportal.com/ for some great campaign building and management tools.
Hear more from Josh Newton on The Table Top Journey's Podcast, you can go to their website https://ttjourneys.com/ or find wherever you get your podcasts. Follow them on twitter @TTJourneys.
Alex Rodriguez can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
19 Hits the Dragon is a bi-weekly podcast about Dungeons and Dragons, Tabletop RPGs and other nerdy things. Join me as I sit down with some great creators in the TTRPG space to offer advice for gamers and be big nerds about stuff. Each season also includes a number of actual plays with our guests!