Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on ove...
The flood ripped up miles of sediment and redeposited it in layers. This would’ve trapped and rapidly buried organisms, which became fossils.
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Massive Fossil Graveyards
In one layer of the Grand Canyon there are over 10,000 square miles of squid-like fossils. This means that billions of these creatures were buried all at once!
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Slow, Gradual Processes?
How could a tree remain upright and intact while coal slowly formed around it? It couldn’t!
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Fossils—Rapidly Buried
Many people think it must’ve taken millions of years for us to get the billions of fossils we have today. But the fossil record shows evidence of rapid burial.
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Fast-Forming Fossils
Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make a fossil—but it doesn’t! It just takes the right conditions.
Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.