[S04Finale04] The Exhibition After Dark, part 2
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"Welcome to the Grand Circumsolar Exhibition, valued vendor /contributor /service worker.
Here is your complimentary orbital map and emergency commdress list. We hope you enjoy your stay at the Fair, and thank you for your participation in the expansion of the fellowship of all humankind."
It may be night cycle on the orbital, but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop.
The Cast
Crutchfield is voiced by Sam Stark
Molina is voiced by Mel Nichols
Cat Nygaard-Novak is voiced by Ella Watts
Pony Cheval is voiced by Jesse Hall
Heck Novak-Nygaard is voiced by Amy Young
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Rin McKenzieis voiced by Pacific S. Obadiah
Peyton Spear is voiced by Kale Brown
The Voice of the Bull is voiced by The Voice of the Bull
Lily is voiced by Kira Stark
Val is voiced by Michael E. Fremantle
Viv is voiced by Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall
Dr. Maron Rainieskin is voiced by Ari Ingalls
Rainie Maronskin is voiced by Oz Stark
Brother Orfeo is voiced by SJ Ryker
The Ghost of Elliemay Settlesdottir is voiced by Amy Young
Barfly is voiced by Rachel Scully
Grant is voiced by Ness
Dex is voiced by Rachel Scully
Darya Ivanova is voiced by Aubrey Akers
Kato is voiced by Lou Sutcliffe
Nadira is voiced by Rae Lundberg
Clarity is voiced by Daisy Macnamara
Agatha Howard is voiced by Jill Bee
Viola Fernsdottir is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Sedge Hyssopschild is voiced by Kasha Mika
Oran Nygaard is voiced by James Big
Fox is voiced by Quill Turner
Kelly is voiced by Rose Williams
Voski Mateus is voiced by Philip C.
Tatum Hadar is voiced by SockX
Brother Argyre is voiced by Interiority
Rapid Egress is voiced by Hera Alexander
Osvalda is voiced by Emma Laslett
Adrianna is voiced by Essay
R. Bob McKinsey is voiced by Thomas Fleming
Alfee Augusto is voiced by Scott Paladin
Agent Gross is voiced by E. Marie Davis
Agent Burns is voiced by Melissa Lusk
Link Greyskin is voiced by Kasha Mika
Grey Linkskin is voiced by Vic Collins
Ekrem is voiced by Kale Brown
Oriole Corta is voiced by Mihai Matei
Dervish Donne is voiced by Mike Ihrke
Baby Goat is voiced by a baby goat
Slick is voiced by Scott Paladin
With additional voice work provided by Ashlee Craft, Dane Smetley, E. Marie Davis, Kira Stark, Kirsty Woolven, Jerry Harris, James Big, Jess McCoy, Kasha Mika, Melissa Lusk, Kate Bullen, Sam Stark, Scott Paladin, & SockX.
A Tour of the Grand Circumsolar Exhibition was written by Amy Young, Ash Seguinte, Hera Alexander, Interiority, James Big, Kale Brown, Kasha Mika, Kale Brown, Mel Nichols, Scott Paladin, & SJ Ryker.
It was edited by Amy Young, Erik Seguinte, Kale Brown, Maddie Cooper, Sam Stark, Scott Paladin, & SJ Ryker.
Click here for the episode’s script.
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Our theme music was composed & arranged by Michael Freitag written by Scott Paladin, and vocals by Jeremiah.
Breathing Space is a Law of Names production.
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Created with permission from Law of Names Media. Based on original material from Breathing Space. All rights reserved.