Just two demigods who love Percy Jackson. Join Erin and Manasa as we dive into the canon of the Percy Jackson universe, a few chapters at a time. We'll be going...
155: Milk Comes Back To Haunt Us (SWORD OF SUMMER Ch 7-12)
It's time for Magnus to die -- yay! Magnus dies heroically (or not so heroically, depending on who you ask...) and wakes up in a magical afterlife hotel. We meet a whole new cast of characters and deep dive into Norse Mythology. The Nanny Goat breaks our brains a bit. Is it mead? Or is it actually yogurt? Asking the important questions. Magnus meets Sam, who is already a favorite of ours, and learns about Hotel Valhalla.
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154: Y'all Were Right About Magnus Chase (SWORD OF SUMMER Ch 1-6)
We are thrilled to be back and finally starting Magnus Chase! We hope this episode can bring you some joy amidst whatever is going on in your life/the world/etc. We admit it -- we didn't believe all of you about Magnus Chase. But these books are GOOD. We meet our hero, Magnus and get to see our fav, Annabeth Chase. We learn a bit about Norse mythology (something neither of us knew much about) and then watch Magnus get kidnapped by his crazy uncle to save a rusty sword. SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/camphalfpod?fan_landing=true SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/camphalfpod SEND US AN AUDIO MESSAGE: https://www.speakpipe.com/Camphalfpod JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/gzHYsUbdgr MERCH: https://www.zazzle.com/store/camphalfpod
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BONUS: At Least We Suffered Together (We Talk About BLOOD OF HERCULES)
CONTENT WARNING: In this episode, we are discussing the adult novel, Blood of Hercules, after it went viral on PJO/mythology twitter. This book contains mature adult sexual themes, so if you are a younger listener or are uncomfortable with said themes, this episode is not for you (and we'll see you when we do Magnus Chase!).BLOOD OF HERCULES by Jasmine Mas went viral on Twitter. We're discussing what it's about, using our Greek myth expertise. We...did not like this book. At all. Topics in this book somehow include mathematician fanfiction, forced marriage, a misogynistic invisible talking snake, and being so hot four (4!!!) different chiseled men fall in love with you. We're breaking down everything that happens in this book so you don't have to read it, from the inaccurate portrayals of Greek/Roman mythology, to the problematic messages about asexuality and gender. You're welcome! Please enjoy this wild ride.
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153: Wrath Wrap Up + Mailbag (WRATH OF THE TRIPLE GODDESS Ch 37-39)
Hecate arrives home, and Percy tells her everything that happened. She doesn’t punish him because he brought her a new puppy (fair enough). Percy convinces Hecate to reopen her magic school, much to Eudora’s excitement. Annabeth, Juniper, and Grover join the Jackson-Blofis household for dinner and they have a nice heartwarming ending. Juniper says people who move away don't leave us, they're just spreading their branches. Sending love to all of you lovely friends who are near and far away!Then, we discuss our overall thoughts on this book, read some emails, and play some audio messages. Make sure to stay for the end to hear what we plan to do next! SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/camphalfpod?fan_landing=true SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/camphalfpod SEND US AN AUDIO MESSAGE: https://www.speakpipe.com/Camphalfpod JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/gzHYsUbdgr MERCH: https://www.zazzle.com/store/camphalfpod
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152: Someone Was Finally Milked ft. Ishanie (WRATH OF THE TRIPLE GODDESS Ch 33-36)
We are joined once again by friend of the podcast, Ishanie, to talk about some of the final chapters of this book! The fight with Peter and his ghosts is in full swing. The eels save the day, and somehow, milk is brought up. Again. We realize Peter is probably in Elysium (it's rigged!). Once again, we get confused by the timeline and by the references to so many modern pop culture moments. Percy throws a rager at Hecate's house. Camp Half-Pod does NOT endorse demigod children doing drugs. For legal purposes everything we have ever said is actually a bit we're doing!!! Don't cancel us!!! Percy and Annabeth have a super sweet heart-to-heart. We love our emotional support couple!
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SUPPORT US ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/camphalfpod
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Just two demigods who love Percy Jackson. Join Erin and Manasa as we dive into the canon of the Percy Jackson universe, a few chapters at a time. We'll be going through not only Percy Jackson and the Olympians, but also Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo, and the companion books. Get ready for lots of speculating and dorky jokes!