Emily Vermilya and Steve DeNeff: In the midst of a storm, we navigate more than govern. We discern more than decide. So what have we discerned for the direction of our Church?
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Receiving the Gift
Vickie Conrad: As we enter the Christmas season, we are reminded that the greatest gift to the world is Jesus. Unlike the earthly gifts we unwrap during the holidays, this eternal gift calls for more than a one-time thank you—it invites a daily response of obedience, gratitude,
and praise.
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Steve DeNeff: In Luke’s version of Christmas, there are two stories occurring at the same time, each in a different city, with different kings and kingdoms, each with a different spirit. These two stories continue to this day. One gets all the news. We belong to the other.
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Adopting the Promise
Ethan Linder: An angel appeared to Joseph, because (though he didn’t carry the life of God within him) he had a load-bearing role to play in Jesus’ life. The angel’s call to Joseph – to adopt the promise of God – offers us countless gifts in the inheritance of faith: from the way we interpret Scripture, to the way we see our lives in light of other people’s callings. This sermon will explore some of the inheritance Joseph left us through Jesus, and make space for us to overhear Joseph’s invitation as one we might accept, too.
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Embracing Favor
Sermon Summary
Nathan Metz: What does it mean to be ‘favored’ by God? It’s not a reward. It can’t be withheld. Favor is not a commodity, it’s a relational posture. The ultimate expression of God’s favor is Christ’s filling, the incarnation. Mary was favored and filled so that we may now be favored and filled. How? Faith. The filling of Christ in Mary and in us is a theological mystery. We respond in faith by accepting His favor and magnifying Him.
*Nathan Metz and his wife Jade and their children are members of College Wesleyan. Nathan is an ordained Wesleyan who has served as a pastor and a missionary. A graduate of Wesley Seminary, Nathan is now the Director of Chaplaincy and Leadership Development with TLC Management.