Josh Sofaer: God's Unceasing Grace for the Israelites Throughout History
Jeff talks with Josh Sofaer about God's boundless grace over the Israelites despite their rebellion against Him throughout the Tenach. Also, Josh and Jeff discuss the unity among Jews and Christians in Israel during a time of modern war.
Josh was raised in San Francisco in a secular, Sephardic Jewish home. His family, like many others in the Bay area, were cause-oriented. That “activist” foundation drew him to Jews for Jesus as a young Jewish follower of Yeshua.
Today, Sofaer works as the director of staff development with Jews for Jesus. He has a BA in history from Brooklyn College and a MA and ThM (in process) from Western Seminary. He and his wife have two children, and currently reside in Los Angeles.
Jeff talks with Josh Sofaer about antisemitism. Josh discusses antisemitism from a historical Biblical perspective.
Josh was raised in San Francisco in a secular, Sephardic Jewish home. His family, like many others in the Bay area, were cause-oriented. That “activist” foundation drew him to Jews for Jesus as a young Jewish follower of Yeshua.
Today, Sofaer works as the director of staff development with Jews for Jesus. He has a BA in history from Brooklyn College and a MA and ThM (in process) from Western Seminary. He and his wife have two children, and currently reside in Los Angeles.
Josh Sofaer: Jewish Man Transformed by Jesus
Jeff talks with Josh Sofaer about how his life was radically changed when he began to trust in the claims of Yeshua.
Josh was raised in San Francisco in a secular, Sephardic Jewish home. His family, like many others in the Bay area, were cause-oriented. That “activist” foundation drew him to Jews for Jesus as a young Jewish follower of Yeshua.
Today, Sofaer works as the director of staff development with Jews for Jesus. He has a BA in history from Brooklyn College and a MA and ThM (in process) from Western Seminary. He and his wife have two children, and currently reside in Los Angeles.
Jeff Morgan: Faith During the War in Israel
Arielle Randle, Jews for Jesus director of communications, asks Jeff about how he and many others are not only keeping their faith, but living it out during this time of war.
Jeff Morgan serves on staff with Jews for Jesus as part of the media team. He, his wife Yael, and their three children currently live in Israel. He has shared his story of transformation through Yeshua on numerous platforms online. He also developed a successful YouTube presence, and has been featured in videos with millions of views from around the world.
Jeff Morgan: Living In Israel at a Time of War
Arielle Randle, Jews for Jesus director of communications, asks Jeff what it’s like for him and his family to be living in Israel during such a time of unrest.
Jeff Morgan serves on staff with Jews for Jesus as part of the media team. He, his wife Yael, and their three children currently live in Israel. He has had the opportunity to share his story of transformation through Yeshua on numerous platforms online. He also developed a successful YouTube presence and has been featured in videos with millions of views from around the world.
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