DEVIN TOWNSEND PODCAST (The Albums) #18 - NFT's! Good or bad? Devin discusses with A7X' Matt Shadows...
People keep talking to me about NFTs...most people seem to hate them and hated that I was even mentioning them =). After I mentioned it on Twitter, Matt hit me up and offered to give me his perspective on them as his band is heavily involved. I watched videos sent to me about the downsides, and here is an example of the other side I suppose. This is just because I'm trying to wrap my head around it. I'm not planning to do NFTs, I just wanted to learn. Take with a grain of salt, and cheers to Matt for being a good sport =)
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DEVIN TOWNSEND PODCAST (The Albums) #17 - GHOST Re-do =)
Heres the second re-do of the two podcasts I was too wrapped up in 'The Puzzle' to really talk about properly. We should be back on track now, so the next one will be 'By A Thread' - Dev
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Heres the re-do for the Deconstruction album as I was sidetracked last year with the Puzzle and didn't give this enough effort. I feel its back on track now, so the podcast will continue with Ghost next, then Epicloud, Casulaties... etc etc etc... =)
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DEVIN TOWNSEND PODCAST (The Albums) #15 - Random Brain Zaps
Been away for a long time dealing with some personal things, so Im starting the podcast up again...but before I get into talking about the albums, here's me just talking a load of crap. Take it with a grain of salt, and thanks for the support. Album Podcasts back soon. - Dev
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More o this!
(0:00) – Social media
(5:33) – Art being intentional
(8:47) – Determining creative direction
(19:57) – Finding a narrative
(25:38) – The sound of The Puzzle
(28:54) – Offering solutions / The Film
(35:47) – We are not our thoughts
(39:33) – Accountability
(41:22) – Finding ways to move forward
(43:36) – Objectively viewing albums
(50:54) – How Dev’s friends and family viewed his mental state in 2020
(54:41) – Being compassionate to yourself / Creative obligation
(58:22) – Being single-minded / Giving back to fans
(1:00:39) – The idea behind Ghost
(1:04:23) – Kat Epple / New-age music
(1:12:15) – Katrina Natale / Personnel
(1:14:37) – Looking back on Ghost
(1:18:17) – How close the four DTP records were to Dev’s intention for them
(1:18:55) – Outro