346 The Order of the Stone, version 1, episode 1 - Call of Cthulhu RPG
July 1929.
A steamer ship is adrift on the Atlantic.
The Investigators are sent to figure out what happened.
349 A Well-Oiled Machine, version 1 - Mothership RPG
347 Salo's Glory, version1, episode 1
Author: Glynn Owen Barrass
Game system: CoC
GM: Troy Weeldreyer
Setting & Era: Space, Future
Description: Humanity has left the solar system and is exploring the stars. The crew of the Tryphena has discovered a previously unknown vessel, mysteriously also called the Tryphena, drifting above a planetoid on the outer rim of the solar system. What happened to its former crew?
348 Impermanence, version1, episode 1 - Delta Green RPG
348 Impermanence, version1, episode 1 - Delta Green RPG
"Q" Cell is tasked with apprehending a rogue agent.