EP#34 A Postliberal Response to the Unravelling with John Milbank
In this episode Jenny Sinclair and Al Roxburgh talk with John Milbank. Recognizing that no one can predict where this time of cultural and political unravelling is leading, John discusses how God’s people can respond and sees signs of hope. Central to his vision for social renewal is a Christian witness that engages rather than retreats from society. A key figure in the growing postliberal intellectual movement, he outlines their work in the development of a new political economy for the common good. Advocating the fundamental importance of the parish in these times, John describes how its liturgical, confessional and everyday rhythms of life bear a vital, countercultural witness to the true, concrete story of the world, over against all other claims to reality.John Milbank is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham and co-founder of the Radical Orthodoxy movement. An eminent theologian in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, he is a philosopher, a poet and political theorist. His work crosses disciplinary boundaries, integrating subjects such as metaphysics, systematic theology, social theory, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy, political theory, and political theology. He has previously taught at the universities of Lancaster, Cambridge, and Virginia and is the author of many books. He lives in Southwell, Nottinghamshire, UK.Links for John Milbankhttps://www.newstatesman.com/ideas/2024/12/what-is-postliberalism-nowhttps://x.com/johnmilbank3https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/vision/the-post-liberal-views-shaping-our-political-landscapehttps://www.nottingham.ac.uk/Humanities/Departments/Philosophy/People/john.milbankhttps://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/leading-thinkers/christianity-and-the-politics-of-the-common-goodBooksThe Politics of Virtue: Post-Liberalism and the Human Future, with Adrian Pabst,Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular ReasonIntroducing Radical Orthodoxy: Mapping a Post-Secular TheologyBeyond Secular Order: The Representation of Being and the Representation of the Peoplehttps://www.goodreads.com/author/list/122620.John_MilbankFor Alan J Roxburgh:http://alanroxburgh.com/abouthttps://www.themissionalnetwork.com/author/alan-roxburgh/https://journalofmissionalpractice.com/alan-roxburghTwitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetworkBooksJoining God in the Great UnravelingLeadership, God’s Agency and DisruptionsJoining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our TimeFor Jenny Sinclair:Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclairLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CGFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUKInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/ Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe