Welcome to the Loved by Cacao Podcast
A home for many voices of cacao from around the world.
Here we'll talk about how vast the world of cacao is.
Especially ...
16. Awakening the Heart through Cacao & Meditation with Radha Iveta of Heart Awakening
This conversation with Radha Iveta was such a joy!
Radha has so many gifts to share in the world of health and wellbeing including Cacao.
Listen in to her beautiful story and hear us discuss the world of cacao in depth, what we have observed over the last 8+ years and where we think it is heading.
Radha offers a gorgeous meditation to get us started, drops some amazing nuggets of wisdom towards the end, and in between gives us stories and embodied experience from her heart to yours.
Originally from Bulgaria, she has lived in New Zealand for many years where she offers a rich tapestry of work in the healing and wellness realms.
Radha is a practitioner and teacher of meditation yoga and Ayurveda.
A true Cacao lover and amazing facilitator.
She runs her business Heart Awakening through which she offers meditation classes, retreats, ayurvedic consultations and treatments, yoga classes & kirtan.
And of course gorgeous cacao offerings, cacao ceremonies, 28 day cacao immersions, a cacao shop on her website, and also a monthly membership called The Cacao Club.
Before coming here she spent a few years in Mexcio and other parts of Central America including Guatemala, during which time she simultaneously began her journeys and training with meditation and with cacao.
Tune in to learn from her extensive experience.
In this episode we were drinking Keith’s Cacao,
Receive 5% discount on each purchase using this link http://www.keithscacao.com/discount/PANIAJOY20NZ20
OR enter code at checkout on the Keiths Cacao Website.
You can also purchase Keith’s Cacao & Amma cacao with Radha.
And connect with her if you would like to trial her cacao membership Free for Feb / March.
Connect with Radha Iveta here: https://www.heartawakening.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radha.heartawakening/
Email: [email protected]
Connect with Pania
Email Pania: [email protected]
Follow Loved By Cacao Instagram: @lovedbycacao
Thank you to Kamal Ortiz for creating the mini soundscape for Loved by Cacao!
Kamal is a DJ & medicine music weaver, find his music on Soundcloud https://on.soundcloud.com/xem5CT38SGxFQexa8
15. Cacao Blessings for the Holidays, Pania's Processes, Poems, & more, with Love
Just in time for Solstice, in this episode we have:
A guided cacao blessing, poetry,
thoughts on bringing cacao into the holidays,
and a mini heart focused meditation we can use to re-centre during busy times or overwhelm.
I also share some of my behind the scene processes,
my learnings with cacao in my intentional 28 days with her and the ‘podcast block’ that I experienced.
And how cacao helps me sit with my shadows.
Plus: how cacao can be used alongside other healing modalities, how wonderful it can be to support healers and artists.
My own work with cacao alongside Angelic Reiki, and how you can experience it if it calls you.
As mentioned, Cacao discount codes for two of my top favourites:
In this episode I was drinking Keith’s Cacao:
Receive 5% discount on each purchase.
Also mentioned KAKAO Drinking Chocolate
Purchase with a one time 10% discount:
Discount code: LOVEDBYCACAO
Discount link: https://flykakao.com.au/?ref=pania
Connect with Pania
Email Pania: [email protected]
Follow Loved By Cacao Instagram: @lovedbycacao
Thank you to Kamal Ortiz for creating the mini soundscape for Loved by Cacao!
Kamal is a DJ & medicine music weaver, find his music on Soundcloud https://on.soundcloud.com/xem5CT38SGxFQexa8
14. Magic Cacao Beans & Riding the Waves of Evolution with Giulia Mattioli of Onda
Giulia passionately works with cacao beans making beautiful Cacao paste & has a vision of everyone having a sack of beans in their home and the skills to use them.
She is a Life Guide and Wayfinder, supporting people in their journey to self-transformation & purpose, helping people ride the waves towards their visions.
And as she said there is always cacao involved.
She has had an appreciation for cacao since she was young. And her passion deepened after training with Oonagh from the Cacao Ambassador in 2021 which has led to a journey to connect with cacao farmers in the Solomon Islands and to support the vision of unity and sovereignty in the world of cacao.
When we spoke Giulia had just returned from 2 weeks in the Solomon islands working with Cacao farmer Agnes Pilopaso to inspire school students by sharing knowledge with them on Agnes Cacao farm.
Side note, you can hear Agnes story in Episode 6 along with Oonagh and Cacao farmer Grace.
Giulia was fresh back from this amazing experience and it was wonderful to sit with her and hear all about it.
I went over to her place one Sunday afternoon where she brewed up an absolutely amazing decadent pot of thick creamy cacao.
And we sat at the altar together in front of the fireplace and enjoyed this cacao and heard her story.
So picture being in a cosy room in front of the fire with us with us while you listen.
Rain on the roof and fire crackling.
To get in touch with Giulia:
Instagram: @onda.evolution
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0272679314
Loved by Cacao Instagram: @lovedbycacaco
Email: [email protected]
A big thank you to Kamal Ortiz for creating the mini soundscape for Loved by Cacao! Kamal is a DJ & medicine music weaver, find his music on Soundcloud https://on.soundcloud.com/xem5CT38SGxFQexa8
13. Saving Peru's Ancient Cacao Temple, Huaca Montegrande, the Time is Now, with Karen Gordon.
This may be one of the most important episodes I’ll make.
Restoration Ecologist Karen Gordon joins me from Peru to tell us how Mama Cacao needs our support right now!
There is a site where the most ancient history has ever been found about Cacao.
A temple in Northern Peru that is over 6000 years old, where remnants of cacao have been found inside a ceramic vessel which was buried within the temple. This is incredible information and there is still more to be unearthed. But this project is at risk of being unable to continue.
Please listen to this episode to hear how you can be a part of making sure that this ancient knowledge literally can stay above ground.
Karen is an ecologist who lives in Costa Rica, she has been working on restoration projects in Peru for the past 10 years. Karen is an associate of ASICAMPE who are the team working on Huaca Montegrande temple.
She is involved in safeguarding this ancient site and also the living heritage cacao tree varieties that are direct descendants of the cacao found in the temple. Her work emphasizes the protection of indigenous tradition and ecological conservation.
I adore the way that Karen shares her knowledge in this story here and also shares so much passion and love for cacao and the significance that this temple represents.
So enjoy this incredible story, and please remember to support Huacamontegrande before the end of the month!
To donate to support the preservation of this ancient temple:
New Zealand thanks to Seleno Health:
Global: https://huacamontegrandesupport.com/
The Teams making this all possible: www.instagram.com/huacamontegrandeoficial/
And the Abundant Earth Foundation who are partnered with ASICAMPE & Huaca Montegrande as the 501c3 sponsor in the USA to make the fundraising platform possible. https://abundantearthfoundation.org/
To contact Karen: instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sacred.ecologist/
Loved by Cacao Instagram: @lovedbycacaco
A big thank you to Kamal Ortiz for creating the mini soundscape for Loved by Cacao! Kamal is a DJ & medicine music weaver, find his music on Soundcloud https://on.soundcloud.com/xem5CT38SGxFQexa8
12: A Tour of Peace, the Plant of Peace & Being Shameless with Makenzie of Kakao
Surprise! Mackenzie is back again.
Makenzie Marzluff is the amazing founder of Kakao Drinking Chocolate.
(you can hear all about her origin story in Episode 7 where she shares how it all started and her incredible devotion to cacao.)
Since our last conversation Makenzie has had lots going on in relation to Kakao and so I wanted to get together again to hear all about it and share with you!
We talk about Peace. What it means to her. We hear about the amazing offering of light she has coming for the world - the Kakao / Awa Peace Tour.
We learn about the ‘Plant of Peace’ Awa (Hawaiin Kava) and how it can be an ally for peace and for tuning into your own personal ‘council’. And how it can be synergistic with cacao.
Awa is pronounced ‘Ava’ and my apologies, I was pronouncing it incorrectly in our conversation!
We also delve into the Kakao blessing for the month of September - a biggie! We talk about what Shame means to us, and how important it is to heal.
So keep listening to hear about it all,
If you want to connect more with any of the things we talk about there are several resources on the Kakao website:
To receive a 10% discount on your first order of Kakao use the code
LOVEDBYCACAO at checkout
Or use this link to get started:
Feel free to reach out to ask any questions or let me know what you think.
Loved by Cacao on Instagram: lovedbycacao
Loved by Cacao is 3 months old today!
It's a wonderful journey so far and I'm grateful to all of you.
Thank you so much for listening!!!
Welcome to the Loved by Cacao Podcast
A home for many voices of cacao from around the world.
Here we'll talk about how vast the world of cacao is.
Especially how Cacao is an incredible plant medicine for our times.
Hear stories from the people who love cacao with deep respect and learn how this sacred ancient medicine is changing their lives and weaving love from heart to heart.
We’ll delve into every aspect we can about cacao; the sacred, the history, the science, the mystery.
Mostly the story.
I hope you will join me. I look forward to sharing cacao with you.