16. Awakening the Heart through Cacao & Meditation with Radha Iveta of Heart Awakening
This conversation with Radha Iveta was such a joy!
Radha has so many gifts to share in the world of health and wellbeing including Cacao.
Listen in to her beautiful story and hear us discuss the world of cacao in depth, what we have observed over the last 8+ years and where we think it is heading.
Radha offers a gorgeous meditation to get us started, drops some amazing nuggets of wisdom towards the end, and in between gives us stories and embodied experience from her heart to yours.
Originally from Bulgaria, she has lived in New Zealand for many years where she offers a rich tapestry of work in the healing and wellness realms.
Radha is a practitioner and teacher of meditation yoga and Ayurveda.
A true Cacao lover and amazing facilitator.
She runs her business Heart Awakening through which she offers meditation classes, retreats, ayurvedic consultations and treatments, yoga classes & kirtan.
And of course gorgeous cacao offerings, cacao ceremonies, 28 day cacao immersions, a cacao shop on her website, and also a monthly membership called The Cacao Club.
Before coming here she spent a few years in Mexcio and other parts of Central America including Guatemala, during which time she simultaneously began her journeys and training with meditation and with cacao.
Tune in to learn from her extensive experience.
In this episode we were drinking Keith’s Cacao,
Receive 5% discount on each purchase using this link http://www.keithscacao.com/discount/PANIAJOY20NZ20
OR enter code at checkout on the Keiths Cacao Website.
You can also purchase Keith’s Cacao & Amma cacao with Radha.
And connect with her if you would like to trial her cacao membership Free for Feb / March.
Connect with Radha Iveta here: https://www.heartawakening.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radha.heartawakening/
[email protected]
Connect with Pania
Email Pania:
[email protected]
Follow Loved By Cacao Instagram: @lovedbycacao
Thank you to Kamal Ortiz for creating the mini soundscape for Loved by Cacao!
Kamal is a DJ & medicine music weaver, find his music on Soundcloud https://on.soundcloud.com/xem5CT38SGxFQexa8