OBNE Presents: Object Worship. A podcast about creative tools and the people who use them. In each episode, hosts Dan Pechacek and Andy Othling sit down with a ...
Your hosts with the most return from a trip to California where many discussions were had about Old Blood's future plans, lunch was had with Wes Borland, and all ended in the Effector Market Anaheim popup. So, they wanted to catch you up and also catch up with you: this one's full of listener voicemails and all about the year ahead.Buy yourself some OBNE: http://www.oldbloodnoise.comJoin the conversation in Discord: https://discord.com/invite/PhpA5MbN5uFollow us all on the socials: @danfromdsf, @andyothling, @oldbloodnoiseSubscribe to Andy's latest Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/powereconomyLeave us a voicemail at 505-633-4647!
Tyler Gilmore (BlankFor.ms) and the Trumpet
We return from our holiday break with Tyler Gilmore, who you may know as BlankFor.ms! Tyler is most known as an electronic artist, using tape loops, pedals, synths, and other textural elements to create evocative slow-moving songs. It may surprise the listener, then, that his object is the trumpet! It's the instrument that started it all for him, and we all learn about his journey with it, then away from it, and perhaps back to it? Only time will tell. In the meantime, we talk about the bodily experience of instruments, some different things our listeners bought over the holidays, Andy's rabbithole of servicemen strats, and a lot of other things along the way. Enough reading start listening! Check out BlankFor.ms: https://www.blankfor-ms.com/Buy yourself some OBNE: http://www.oldbloodnoise.comJoin the conversation in Discord: https://discord.com/invite/PhpA5MbN5uFollow us all on the socials: @blankfor.ms, @danfromdsf, @andyothling, @oldbloodnoiseLeave us a voicemail at 505-633-4647!
Sean Mackowski and The Noise
Today we're joined by Sean Mackowski of Tallon Electric. Before the episode, we thought his object was going to be an amp, but as we get into it, we realize it's all about The Noise, his new pedal collaboration with the band Alpha Wolf. We talk about pedal usage in modern medal and heavy music in general, and various approaches to gain, octaves, and momentary bursts of sound. This one's inspired by the new wave of players using pedals as instrumental elements of the heaviest riffs around. Also, Andy and I are taken aback when we find out what band Sean used to be in. It's a fun one, so dive in!Check out Tallon Electric: https://tallonelectric.com/Buy yourself some OBNE: http://www.oldbloodnoise.comJoin the conversation in Discord: https://discord.com/invite/PhpA5MbN5uFollow us all on the socials: @tallonelectric, @danfromdsf, @andyothling, @oldbloodnoiseLeave us a voicemail at 505-633-4647!
Dark Star Special
Today’s all about Dark Star! After many cagey teasers, we reveal all about the new pedal and what it means for Old Blood. We take your voicemails, we tell tales of what it took to make the thing, and we get consistently distracted. Hope you like your hosts as much as you like our latest lofi reverb instrument!Buy yourself some OBNE: http://www.oldbloodnoise.comJoin the conversation in Discord: https://discord.com/invite/PhpA5MbN5uFollow us all on the socials: @danfromdsf, @andyothling, @oldbloodnoiseLeave us a voicemail at 505-633-4647!
Dan and Andy In A Very Special Halloween Spooktacular
That's right, this week it's just your hosts with the mosts talkin ghosts. Just kidding, this episode's pretty low on tricks and treats and frights and whatnot, but we did get some voicemails about spooky gear and we go off on some tangents from there. We're pretty confident this is the only podcast in the world that links discussion of what makes for a scary sound with the specifics of the treadle action on a Danelectro Shift Daddy, so if that's up your alley, boy have you landed in the right place. We also talk about dreams and other inevitabilities. Dive in!Buy yourself some OBNE: http://www.oldbloodnoise.comJoin the conversation in Discord: https://discord.com/invite/PhpA5MbN5uFollow us all on the socials: @danfromdsf, @andyothling, @oldbloodnoiseLeave us a voicemail at 505-633-4647!
OBNE Presents: Object Worship. A podcast about creative tools and the people who use them. In each episode, hosts Dan Pechacek and Andy Othling sit down with a creator, from musicians to engineers to visual artists, and ask them about a tangible object that’s been important in their journey. They’ll talk about the creative process, early inspirations, and the magic of tactility, all the while getting to know each other. As friends in the effects pedal corner of the music industry, Pechacek and Othling aim to capture the feeling of post-show chats, where technical deep dives and tangential absurdity are equally welcome.