The Plot Armor is REAL for Andrew Hedrick Vancouver
Season 3: Episode 35Aaron and Drew are back this week recapping the wild Vancouver regional where Andrew Hedrick claimed another regional win with Dragapult ex. They talk through the top decks and lists, plusWant to play in our unique TCG League Challenges in the discord? Check out the Patreon!Or feel free to join our Discord to hang out and chat with us!YouTube: @PCS_PodThank you liking and leaving a review!
Journey Together set preview!
Aaron and Drew are back this week to finally break down their thoughts of the Journey Together set. With rotation coming alongside this set release, they will peer into the future of where the meta will shift. They also cover the news from Pokémon Day and all the happenings in the PCS Discord Community.Introductions - 0:00Pokénews - 6:07Card Spotlight of the Week - 14:52PCS Updates - 18:24Main Topic - Journey Together! - 21:05Outro - 1:11:16Thank you so much for tuning in!Want to play in our unique TCG League Challenges in the discord? Check out the Patreon!Or feel free to join our Discord to hang out and chat with us!YouTube: @PCS_PodThank you liking and leaving a review!
Donk you very much - An EUIC Champion
Aaron and Drew are back together this week covering all things EUIC. They first throw out some predictions for what they hope to see on Pokémon Day this coming Thursday, before diving into a mega EUIC recap. Deck lists are covered and high level plays that were showcased on stream this past weekend.Want to play in our unique TCG League Challenges in the discord? Check out the Patreon!Or feel free to join our Discord to hang out and chat with us!YouTube: @PCS_PodThank you liking and leaving a review!
Last minute EUIC meta calls with Cyrus Davis!
Season 3: Episode 32Aaron sits down with former NAIC Champion Cyrus Davis to discuss all things EUIC. Aaron quizzes Cyrus on how the top players separate themselves and the dedication it takes to get to the top. Then it shifts to a large discussion around the top decks that will feature in London Friday-Sunday. Lastly they cover any surprises that might be in store at EUIC.Thank you so much for tuning in!Find Cyrus at to play in our unique TCG League Challenges in the discord? Check out the Patreon!Or feel free to join our Discord to hang out and chat with us!YouTube: @PCS_PodThank you liking and leaving a review!
The "GG" must stand for "Good Generators"
In this episode Aaron and Drew talk about some new product that maybe stores will have in the future (haha). We talk about some results in our discord/patreon exclusive events. And lastly we break down the results from the first tournament in our new format!0:00 Intro4:34 Product announcements13:06 Card spotlight16:34 PCS updates24:19 Merida results51:00 Mostly outrosWant to play in our unique TCG League Challenges in the discord? Check out thePatreon!Or feel free to join ourDiscord to hang out and chat with us!YouTube: you liking and leaving a review!