Two Diamond League of Legends players use humour and critical thinking to discuss how to get better at the game while enjoying the time spent playing it.
Everyone knows what a good splitpush looks like, but nobody in low ELO ever seems to understand what they need to do in order to get there. We've come up with 8 of the most important things to keep in mind when you want to splitpush. Listen up, lock in Jax and pull apart your opposing teams!
Also: Worlds, the deletion of Evelynn and an IMT chant.
Main topic begins at 12:14
35 - 8 Underrated Tips to Improve your Laning
Laning is complicated, multifaceted, and confusing. It's also the most important thing you need to master if you want to improve in Solo Queue. This week, we give you 8 laning tips we feel are underappreciated and under-discussed in the League community. Add these to your laning arsenal and see how much you can improve your early-game.
Also: Toxic homunculi, toxic employees, and toxic leaders of the EU ladder.
Main Topic: 00:25:26
34- How to Master a New Champion
Picking up a new champion can be pretty overwhelming, and seeing only minimal improvement as you grind out games can be pretty disheartening. This episode, we discuss the optimal methods for picking up and mastering a new champion.
Also: Vasilli's sensuality, CLG's near miss with humiliation, and lots of real life sports analogies.
Note: We talk a bit this episode about getting replays of professional players from We learnt since recording that this function is currently pretty buggy on that site, and is a pretty good alternative!
Also apologies for the slightly dated discussion in our pre-show this week, we had some issues with getting the show uploaded so it was delayed by a couple of days.
Two Diamond League of Legends players use humour and critical thinking to discuss how to get better at the game while enjoying the time spent playing it.
Produced by Robin J Kavanagh:
Outro music by Conor Davenport: