Auckland, the Babylon of Australasia. Home to award-winning creatives/ aspiring Jezebels Sam Te Kani and Johanna Cosgrove. Join them as they navigate daily life...
We’re counting the days until impact with NASA announcing the immanent arrival of a ‘city killer’ asteroid, just as Brian Tamaki is counting the days until the antagonized queers and exploited Maori and Pacifica families in his congregation cobra-strike-back. Stay tuned Tamaki you fat fuck.Get every episode early and in video, PLUS our bonus BTS episodes, on our Patreon xxGet your tickets for the crossover GAYZ IN THE GUTTER show with Chris Parker and Eli Matthewson on Feb. 17th here! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I VIBE (so what)
This country’s going to hell in a diamanté handbag, kinda puts a damper on Pride. So we’re ashamed.Get every episode early and in video, PLUS our bonus BTS episodes, on our Patreon xxGet your tickets for the crossover GAYZ IN THE GUTTER show with Chris Parker and Eli Matthewson on Feb. 17th here! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This week the rats discuss conservative delusion (such as recolonisation), being pet lovers, the unbearable lightness of fanny sweat, Beyonce’s calculated Virgo moves, and reformer pilates.Get every episode early and in video, PLUS our bonus BTS episodes, on our Patreon xxGet your tickets for the crossover GAYZ IN THE GUTTER show with Chris Parker and Eli Matthewson on Feb. 17th here! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Historical inaccuracies abound! Was David of David and Goliath fame a flamer? Was Jack the Ripper doing Queen Victoria’s bidding? Am I a natural blonde? Listen to find out.Get every episode early and in video, PLUS our bonus BTS episodes, on our Patreon xxGet your tickets for the crossover GAYZ IN THE GUTTER show with Chris Parker and Eli Matthewson on Feb. 17th here! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the facelift. A new and improved Rats 2.0 (if you’ve paid for it). The non-pay-wall peasant channel is still as good, but let’s be honest, your stinginess is as attractive as a naked honey-covered Elon Musk coming down your chimney in the middle of the night. As of now we’re journalists. Enjoy the facts.Get every episode early and in video, PLUS our bonus BTS episodes, on our Patreon xx Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Auckland, the Babylon of Australasia. Home to award-winning creatives/ aspiring Jezebels Sam Te Kani and Johanna Cosgrove. Join them as they navigate daily life in a gorgeous South Pacific necropolis here at civilization’s end. Not deterred in the least by back-to-back lockdowns and a shortage of worthwhile intimacies, Te Kani and Cosgrove barrel headfirst into themes and experiences any modern twenty-something will recognise. From finding love when every other guy is a flakey bisexual, to the ego disorders of our noted socialites, and minor takeout addictions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.