Today, we are going to go back to Luke 15 to continue our discussion of the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who He is, what He did, what He is doing, and what He can do for you and anyone who turns to Him.
Jesus Saves, Pt. 1
Today, we are going to focus in on the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a joy it is to teach on Jesus, who He is, and what He does!
On Mission
Pastor Danny shares about the big mission trip he is on right now, as well as missions in general. You won't want to miss Pastor Danny's practical tips on how YOU can help fulfill the Great Commission yourself!
DFEA 20th Anniversary Special!
For this special episode commemorating DFEA's 20th anniversary, Pastor Danny is interviewed by his son, Leighton Forshee, about his testimony, ministry journey as a pastor and with DFEA, family, and more.
Parenting and Grandparenting Matters, Pt. 2
Today we conclude our discussion of the biblical principles of parenting and grandparenting.