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It's a joyous time on this episode of the Sci-Fi Boneyard - Shannon finally gets to talk about her most favorite show in the history of shows that she has seen - Warehouse 13! She squee's and gushes over Myka and H.G. Wells on this stroll through the Boneyard. Join us for a little trip through America's Attic!
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Chappie (2015) Review/Discussion SFB053
We take a gaze into the Boneyard's future and trip over a new breed of A.I. with Chappie this week on the Boneyard. It's a strange little film with Die Antwood and Hugh Jackman but strangely enough, it wasn't Sean who picked it this time. A good time is had by all this holiday season as we watch the worst of humanity struggle to kill a new lifeform. Join us for - Happy Chappie time!
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Blade Runner (1982) Review/Discussion SFB052
We roll the clock back to the the 80's with Harrison Ford, Sean Young and a very young Mr. Olmos in Bladerunner. For you serious Bladerunner fans out there, let me get this out of the way ahead of time - we watched the Director's Cut with the unicorn dream and no narrative. Also as long as we are confessing things I like the idea that Deckard is a human. There I said it.
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Total Recall (2012) Review/Discussion SFB051
We walk through a rather new area of the boneyard this time with the recent remake of the sci-fi classic Total Recall. We laughed, we cried, we watched for the 3-boobed hooker and of course, we wished Kate would crotch-tackle us the way she did Quaid. Plus flying cars ya'll. It's all here. Well, everything except Arnold.
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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) and Charmed (1998-2006) Review/Discussion SFB050
We take on the Star Wars universe this time through the Boneyard and talk a little Rogue One shop. Also, Shannon manages to work in a little Charmed - because she's cool like that.
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