Stand to Reason’s Greg Koukl and Amy Hall answer questions on ethics, theology, apologetics, and culture from a Christian perspective. Submit your questions on ...
What Should I Say to Active Churchgoers Who Reject the Trinity and the Deity of Christ?
Questions about what to say to longtime, active churchgoers who don’t believe in the Trinity or the deity of Christ, and a challenge to the idea that it’s possible for someone to have a relationship with Jesus today.
What should I say to family members who have been active churchgoers for 40 years, but who don’t believe in the Trinity or the deity of Christ?
Do you claim to have a relationship with Jesus—someone you never met—who died 2,000 years ago and hasn’t been seen since? That seems like the definition of a delusion, an imaginary friend in the sky.
How Can I Initiate a Conversation with Someone Who Thinks He’s a Christian but Isn’t?
Questions about initiating conversations with someone who thinks he’s going to Heaven but who isn’t showing any signs he’s following God, how to talk to unsaved friends and family who identify as Christians, and resources to help someone learn what true Christianity is.
How can I initiate a conversation with my brother who thinks he’s going to Heaven because he has an intellectual belief that Jesus is the Son of God, but who doesn’t really show any signs that he’s following God?
How would you suggest talking to friends or family who identify as Christians despite strong evidence they’re merely nominal or cultural Christians?
Are there resources I can share with my brother that will help him learn what true Christianity is?
Does “Repent from Your Sin and Believe” Describe a Works Salvation?
Questions about whether “repent from your sin and believe” describes a works salvation and Greg’s stance on the idea of “easy beliefism”—i.e., the idea that all one must do to be saved is believe in God.
I do not agree with the “repent from your sin and believe” salvation, which seems to be a works salvation. How can someone repent without faith?
What is Greg’s stance on the idea of “easy beliefism”—i.e., the idea that all one must do to be saved is believe in God?
Were Jesus’ Commands in the Gospels for the Jews Only or for the Present-Day Body of Christ?
Questions about whether Jesus’ commands in the Gospels were for the Jews only or for the present-day body of Christ, whether God chose to be illiterate when he came to earth, and whether we should only pray for the specific items mentioned in the Lord’s Prayer.
Were Jesus’ commands in the Gospels only to be followed by the Jews back then and not the present-day body of Christ?
Why do you think God chose to be illiterate when he came to earth?
When Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer, did he mean we should only pray that way and not ask for any other specific items?
The Concept of God’s Omniscience Is Just a Fear Tactic to Control Your Mind
Questions about whether the concept of God’s omniscience is just a fear tactic to control your mind and what to say to someone who thinks it’s possible for God to lie and that Jesus’ coming might have been an elaborate scheme to make us think he loves us.
I would love to hear your thoughts on God’s omniscience. God uses fear tactics to control your mind. He loves you so much that he’s watching your every move and knows your every thought? Is this good?
What do I say to someone who thinks it’s possible for God to lie, that he treats us like his playthings, and that Jesus’ coming might have been some elaborate scheme to make us think he loves us?
Stand to Reason’s Greg Koukl and Amy Hall answer questions on ethics, theology, apologetics, and culture from a Christian perspective. Submit your questions on Twitter using the hashtag #STRask.