Sunday Catholic Word is the only podcast that looks at the Sunday Mass readings and focuses on the details that are relevant to explaining and defending the Cat...
#115 Feast of the Presentation: Purgatory, Penal Substitution, and Mary as Co-Redemptrix | Year C - Karlo Broussard
Episode 115: Year C – The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
In today’s episode, we focus on several details from the first and second readings, along with the Gospel, for this upcoming Feast of the Presentation of the Lord that are related to apologetical discussions. One detail comes from the first reading, taken from Malachi 3:1-4, and the related topic is Purgatory. Another detail comes from the second reading, taken from Hebrews 2:14-18, and the apologetical topic that this detail relates to is the theory of penal substitutionary theory. The remaining details, three in total, com…
#114 Saints, Baptism, and Jesus’ Messiahship | Year C - Karlo Broussard
Episode 114: Year C – 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
In today’s episode, we focus on six details in the readings for this upcoming 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C. The first detail is the whole of the first reading, taken from Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, and 8-10. It’s not necessarily a detail that comes up in apologetical discussions. But it does serve an apologetical purpose insofar as it gives biblical justification for the Catholic Liturgy of the Word. The next three details come from the second reading, taken from 1 Corinthians 12:12-30. The relevant apologetical topics are the intercess…
#113 Mary’s Sinlessness and the Wedding Feast at Cana | Year C - Karlo Broussard
Episode 113: Year C – 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
In today’s episode, we focus on one detail found in the Gospel reading, taken from John 2:1-12, which is the Wedding Feast at Cana. The related apologetical topic is Mary’s sinlessness and her role as the New Eve.
Readings: Click Here
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Hey everyone,
Welcome to The Sunday Catholic Word, a podcast where we reflect on the upcoming Sunday Mass readings and pick out the details that are rel…
#112 Exploring the Father’s Message: Understanding Jesus’ Divinity in the Baptism of the Lord - Karlo Broussard
Episode 112: Year C – The Baptism of the Lord
This upcoming Sunday is The Baptism of the Lord. And the Gospel reading for this feast during Year C is Luke’s account of the event, taken from Luke 3:15-16, 21-22. There are several things that we could focus on. But the one detail that we will be attentive to in today’s episode is the Father’s message: “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased.” There are a few challenges to Jesus’ divinity that arise from this statement.
Readings: Click Here
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#111 Epiphany of the Lord: Revisiting Key Themes and Exploring the Magi and Christ’s Birth Date - Karlo Broussard
Episode 111: Year C – The Epiphany of the Lord
This upcoming Sunday is The Epiphany of the Lord, for which the readings are the same as the previous two years. The first reading is taken from Isaiah 60:1-6. The second reading is taken from Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6. And the Gospel is taken from Matthew 2:1-12. Given that we’ve already covered much of the apologetical material present in these readings for Years A and B, in this episode we provide a brief survey of the material already covered and simply highlight two extra details that we haven’t covered thus far: the identity of the magi an…
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Sunday Catholic Word is the only podcast that looks at the Sunday Mass readings and focuses on the details that are relevant to explaining and defending the Catholic faith.