The American Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron is sparking a personal and national revival in the hearts of Americans. With a refreshing focus on Faith, Histor...
The Love Dare: Day 10 - Do Something Out of the Ordinary Today for Your Spouse
What happens when we base our love on how our spouse makes us feel? In Day 10 of The Love Dare, Kirk shares why lasting marriages need more than friendship and romantic attraction - they must be rooted in the same unconditional, covenant love God shows us. Your challenge today is to do something out of the ordinary for your spouse, demonstrating a love that's not based on behavior or circumstances. Getting heaven into our marriages can spark the revival America needs.
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The Love Dare: Day 9 - Think of a Way You Would Like to Greet Your Spouse Today
What's holding you back from transforming your marriage through simple, daily actions? In Day 9 of The Love Dare, Kirk challenges listeners to think of a way you would like to greet your spouse today, showing how these intentional moments can transform relationships. Let's talk about rekindling romance, practicing purposeful affection, and discovering how transformed marriages can spark revival across America.
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The Love Dare: Day 8 - Determine to Become Your Spouse's Biggest Fan and Reject Any Thoughts of Jealousy
Can your marriage thrive if your heart harbors jealousy? In Day 8 of The Love Dare, Kirk breaks down the critical difference between righteous and destructive jealousy in relationships. With powerful examples from scripture and real-life application, he shows how unchecked envy can poison even the strongest marriages. As you continue your 40-day Love Dare journey, determine to become your spouse's biggest fan and reject any thoughts of jealousy.
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America's Success Was Built on a Covenant with God
What if the real story of America has been hidden from us for generations? Though many have been taught to reject our nation's heritage, Kirk digs into how America's success was built on a covenant with God - a sacred promise that led to unprecedented freedom and prosperity. Drawing from historical accounts and scripture, he uncovers how Christian values shaped our nation's institutions, from education to government. What forgotten principles of liberty could reignite revival in our time?
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The Love Dare: Day 7 - Write Down Positive and Negative Things About Your Spouse
When was the last time you truly appreciated your spouse? In Day 7 of The Love Dare, Kirk encourages us to write down positive and negative things about our spouse and reveals how this exercise that can transform any marriage. He takes listeners through an eye-opening journey into two rooms of the heart - appreciation and depreciation - showing how our choice of which room to dwell in shapes our relationships. Discover how intentionally focusing on the good can revolutionize your marriage.
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About The American Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron
The American Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron is sparking a personal and national revival in the hearts of Americans. With a refreshing focus on Faith, History, Patriotism and the Bible, Kirk discusses everything from current cultural events, heroes of faith, and the Biblically-based, historically-proven strategy to bring life and liberty to individuals, families, and nations.
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