This passage contrasts Barnabas, the encourager who gave all, with Ananias and Sapphira, who lied about their offering and died. The fear of God precedes His favor, a biblical truth shaping our 2025 vision for sacrificial mission, bringing Acts to life on Colfax, her in Denver CO.
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A Resilient Community
In Acts 4, the disciples face resistance for the first time. They’re arrested, thrown in jail, and put on trial. But as soon as they’re released, where do they go? Straight back to their people. They don’t retreat alone—they run to community. That’s what the church is meant to be: a place of retreat and renewal so we can keep shining light in a dark world.
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Resistance | Acts 4:1-13
Yesterday, we unpacked Acts 4:1-13 and saw a tough reality: where God moves, resistance follows. Peter and John faced opposition, yet their boldness revealed what resilient mission looks like.
We learned that resistance isn’t a sign of God’s absence but often proof of His presence. Standing firm requires Spirit-dependence, exclusive salvation, intimacy with Jesus, and fearing God over people.
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The First Miracle | Acts 3:2-8 & 13-23
In this sermon, Pastor Casey Withers walks us through the first miracle recorded in the early church, which proves that the life-giving power of Jesus continues to move forward with his church.
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Mission | Acts 2:47
In Acts 2:47, we see a church where God is at work—adding to their number daily as lives are transformed by the gospel. This week, we’re talking about the heartbeat of mission: joining God in what He’s already doing, making room for growth, and stepping into bold faith for those around us. Together, we’ll discover how to live as highways of grace, bringing the hope of Jesus to our city one life at a time.