✨Along with Caitlin’s analysis and Ashley’s imagination, wander through the world of stories and their meaning in our world. ✨📚Inspired by C.S. Lewis's iconic ...
When ghosts knock on the window, let them in and deal with your trauma! In today's episode, Cait and Ash talk about Wuthering Heights and its cultural impact. They also discuss the need for therapy and dealing with your ghosts. Our sources and further reading: https://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1101&context=suurjhttps://www.thehotline.org/resources/what-is-emotional-abuse/https://melissablacksverybritishhistory.com/2019/04/09/wife-beating-in-victorian-england-the-rule-of-thumb/https://www.pmc.gov.au/resources/unlocking-the-prevention-potential/gender-based-violence-australia-glance-august-2024https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuthering_Heightshttps://racismnoway.com.au/teaching-resources/the-stolen-generations/https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/a-psychologist-at-the-movies/201111/relationship-violence-in-twilighthttps://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/do-abused-children-become-abusive-parents https://www.qhatlas.com.au/content/missions-and-reserveshttps://australian.museum/learn/first-nations/stolen-generation/Follow us on Instagram @theliterarylamppost
Elantris: Hope vs. Hatred
In this episode, Caitlin and Ashley discuss Elantris, by Brandon Sanderson, and how hope and hate both motivate people to different ends. Oh, and there's a badass princess as well. Disclaimers: Whoops we made a mistake! The event that made Dilaf hate the elantrians happened when he was an adult, not a child. This podcast is for educational and discussion purposes only. We analyze and discuss literature, occasionally quoting brief excerpts from books to provide commentary, criticism, and analysis. We believe this constitutes fair use (or fair dealingunder Australian copyright law).All rights to the quoted material remain with the original copyright holders, and no copyright infringement is intended. We encourage our listeners to support authors by purchasing and reading their works.If you are a copyright holder and believe our use of any material is not in accordance with fair use/fair dealing, please contact us so we can address any concerns.Sources: www.americamagazine.org/faith/2024/02/09/hell-history-empty-247257#:~:text=The%20pope%20responded%20that%20hell,really%20do%20hope%20that%20peopleFollow us on Instagram @theliterarylamppost
The Last Battle: Taking a Stand When it Counts
In this episode, Ashley and Caitlin discuss C.S. Lewis's The Last Battle, the final book of The Chronicles of Narnia, and what can be drawn from it as it applies to governance, faith, goodness and hope. Follow us on Instagram @theliterarylamppost
Little Women: Carrying our Burdens with Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy
In this episode, Caitlin and Ashley discuss Little Women, the way Pilgrims Progress was used to frame the story, how each girl carries her burdens, and how in a way, they are our burdens too. Music by Josh Ibbot @doplasmusic Follow us on Instagram @theliterarylamppost
Anne of Green Gables: Out of Date or Timeless Classic?
Anne of Green Gables was written over 100 years ago, yet it is still such a beloved book. In this episode, we explore why, and discuss what we can learn from it, even though it was written so long ago.Follow us on Instagram @theliterarylamppost
✨Along with Caitlin’s analysis and Ashley’s imagination, wander through the world of stories and their meaning in our world. ✨📚Inspired by C.S. Lewis's iconic lamppost in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", this podcast aims to shed light on some of the most important things going on in the world through the lens of literature. We explore family, friendships, religion, government, society, and other issues found in the pages of our favourite books, from classics to booktok. We hope you will join us on this adventure 📚