Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Missouri is a thriving non-denominational church led by Pastor Brian & Peri Zahnd. We are followers of Jesus seeking to be an...
There is no easy alliance between the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God, and all attempts to create an easy alliance between these two kingdoms are misguided and doomed to failure. The kingdom of the world is founded on greed and war—Mammon and Mars. The kingdom of God is founded on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, these two kingdoms are organized around irreconcilable values. The kingdom of the world values economic power and military might, while the kingdom of God values co-suffering love and divine mercy.
Called Beyond the Crowd
When Simon Peter first got a glimpse of who Jesus really is, his initial reaction was one of fear. The transcendent and holy otherness of Jesus simply overwhelmed Simon Peter. But the Lord’s response to Peter’s fearful reaction can be understood as something like this: Don't be afraid of me, follow me. If you follow me, I will make you into a new person—the person you were always meant to be.
The Prophet In His Hometown
It’s astonishing how angry some people will get if you try to take away their religion of revenge. They’re terribly upset by the idea that God might give divine favor to those they deem unworthy of it—to those who do not belong to their kind of people. The very idea that God might have mercy on all is condemned as blasphemy. This is exactly what Jesus encountered when he preached in his hometown of Nazareth.
JESUS: The Fullfillment of Scripture
Jesus is the fulfillment of Scripture, and all Scripture is fulfilled in Christ.This may sound like a simple statement, but it’s actually an essential foundation for good theology.Scripture is not fulfilled by “biblical principles applied to your life.”Scripture is not fulfilled by geopolitical events speculated as “end time signs.”Scripture is not fulfilled by the modern nation of Israel or any other nation.All Scripture is fulfilled in the Word of God made flesh who is Jesus Christ.
Cana of Galilee
Most of Jesus’ miracles involve dire circumstances—disease, death, danger, demons, and so on. But in Jesus’ very first miracle there is none of that—no deadly storm, no one is dying, there are no demons; it’s merely a wedding feast that is running low on wine. Some would dismiss this as “first world problems.” But Jesus doesn't do that, and we're surprised by a gratuitous miracle. There's an element of whimsy in the miracle story of Cana of Galilee that makes it particularly endearing.
Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Missouri is a thriving non-denominational church led by Pastor Brian & Peri Zahnd. We are followers of Jesus seeking to be an authentic expression of the kingdom of Jesus in the twenty-first century. Additional sermon audio and other resources are available on our church website at wolc.com.