Bashar/Elan, channeled by Andrew:
Training Sessions to Channel Elan, the Blended Sessions, Elan Solo
Elan Interactions
This is the only official Podcast of the Bashar & Elan Channeling Sessions, as channeled by Andrew.
This podcast includes sessions from the 2-year training ses...
In this 64th transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, discusses that we all have the ability to measure, gauge and tailor our responses in any given situation. He presents this as one of our great powers. By remaining aligned to our most preferred version of ourselves and then only interpreting our "outer" circumstances through the lens of our preferred self, we can purposefully finesse our respondent actions to quickly create new preferred results in our manifestations and circumstances.This session is previously un-released and in addition to the usual beginning introductory talk, we include the entire Part One of the session.All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
EP63: Use All Your Creations
In this 63rd transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, reminds us that we create it all and everything fits, everything has a reason and a purpose to exist in our lives. He suggests that we can use every single one of our creations and our willingness to do this on purpose, with intention and enthusiasm, can result in a grand acceleration of positive synchronicity and preferred outcomes in our lives. Our previous perceived "liabilities" now can become our greatest assets.
Although the introduction to this session was previously available, this new release has superior sound quality and now for the first time, we include the ENTIRE FIRST HALF of the original interaction, following up with the Intro from the second half and the session Outro.
We will continue to release any previously released material with plenty of unreleased bonus material, so if you've already heard any previously released material, there will always be something new included that you haven't heard until now. Enjoy! You've attracted yourself here for a good reason, go get what you came for ...
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
EP62: Equal Exchange (Previously Unreleased)
In this 62nd transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, forgoes the usual beginning topic talk and dives right into the sharings. Included are the intro, highlight sharings, and the outro.All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
EP61: You Are It
From this session forward, we will be including the Q and A's !
In this 61st transmission, in his third solo session, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, continues to build a solid foundation for the understanding of his messages. After the last session established that All is One, he now focuses the discussion on the fact that You Are It. What this means is that in any given moment, when you decide who you are, whether randomly or purposefully, you then immediately ARE that person. He expands on the ways to experience this directly, and how to maintain the new preferred version of yourself after you've initially established it.
After the introduction, the floor is opened for attendees of the session to present their ideas on how to approach the goverment about UFO disclosure. This is an extension of the previous session called "Public Access" where Elan invited us to communicate with our goverments as equals in order to open up a dialog. Several sharings are included. Even though this session was recorded in the past, the ideas for opening up such an interactive dialogue are more relevant now than ever. The recording ends with the session outro.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
EP60: All Is One (Previously Unreleased)
In this 60th transmission, the second of Elan's solo sessions, Elan, as channeled by Andrew delivers the foundation for his unfoldment of his individual messages to us with the idea that "All Is One". We have all heard about the idea of Oneness, but here we get a useful and enlightening elaboration on what this means to us on a more practical level.Elan reminds us that in addition to its meaning that we are all connected, and "part" of a greater whole. Here we are reminded that even this interpretation presumes that we can ever be separate or disconnected which would necessitate that we need then to be "re-connected". We are reminded that everybody and everything are already a direct expression of one event, one simultaneous, multidimensional and eternal event. We are reminded that our oneness is actually our starting point, not our destination.Understanding this allows us to realign to the fact that EVERYTHING is a direct expression of and from us [you]. When we begin to BE this idea, we begin to experience that the reality that we believe that we exist within, actually exists within us. He compares our version of this spiritual emergence is like waking up from a dream. Once we begin to express the knowingness of Oneness, we begin to see how everything fits and nothing is extraneous, and everything truly part of our process.We believe that Elan's entire messages to us over the next year were delivered purposefully and crafted with the knowledge of their synchronicity, with an absolute intentional choreography. This results in the ideas building in a structured way upon a firm and fundamental foundation.This session is the foundation for all future sessions to come, and we're all hearing it in perfect timing. This information is always a purposeful expression of synchronicity and all the information is holographic. Therefore, its always exactly what we near to hear, exactly when we need to hear it. Pay attention to how all of these sessions apply to you in perfect timing. And enjoy!All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
About Bashar/Elan, channeled by Andrew:
Training Sessions to Channel Elan, the Blended Sessions, Elan Solo
This is the only official Podcast of the Bashar & Elan Channeling Sessions, as channeled by Andrew.
This podcast includes sessions from the 2-year training session by Bashar for Andrew to learn to channel Elan.
Season 1: Training Sessions to Channel Elan (EP1 - EP40)
Season 2: Blended Sessions PODCAST (EP41 - EP58)
Season 3: Elan Solo Sessions (EP59+)
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