Just Tap In is a space to remember your place in the greatest awakening in human history. Gen-Z host, Emilio Ortiz, reveals illuminating conversations and deep ...
#121 Gaia Chinniah - Activate Your Healing Gifts: Parallel Realities & Energy Forecast
Born with the Hindu Goddess name Gāyathirī - people call her Gaya/Gaia. At the age of 33 she knew something big was going to happen to her but did not know what until something incredible happened. With a product distribution company in Asia, she was busy and stressed. Gaia had a strong spiritual practice from being born into a Hindu family and with her ancestry going back to Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Gujarat; some of the most spiritual places on earth! It is in her blood. She was reminded about her spiritual gifts by a friend of hers and realised in her presence what she was able to do in the healing realm. She specialises in Soul Progression Therapy ® (S.P.T) through Soul Evolution Techniques (S.E.T).
Her natural abilities enable her to see, clear or align past lives by examining your Akashic records. She is able to guide you on future potentials and ensure you are on the right path. She is a medium and is able to hear spirit. Spirit is not limited to loved ones that have passed but her mediumship extends to her connection to the Universe and channels messages from whoever steps forward for you.This unique combination of abilities provides a service for individuals to know more about themselves, receive balance and understanding as well as information to be able to reach your full potential.
00:00 - Gaia Chinniah Trailer
01:07 - Gaia’s Excitement About Current Shifts
02:52 - Humanity's Shift to a Soul Perspective
05:23 - Living Beyond the Physical Body
07:43 - The Connection Between Heart and Third Eye
09:58 - Embracing Our Healing Gifts
11:20 - Gaia’s First Awakening at Age 33
18:15 - Discovering and Developing Spiritual Gifts
20:43 - The Power of Self-Acceptance and Transformation
27:47 - The Importance of Spiritual Teachers and Guidance
28:53 - Past Lifetimes with Jesus and Christ Consciousness
33:26 - The Arrival of Krishna Consciousness
37:39 - Time Traveling to Ancient Egypt
46:43 - Previous Lifetimes with Emilio
48:32 - How Spirit Guides Shape Our Path
50:49 - The Concept of Legacy in Our Spiritual Journey
53:10 - Significant Age Points in Spiritual Awakening
58:26 - The Interconnection of Life’s Aspects
59:25 - The Souls Coming to Earth and Their Purpose
01:07:03 - The Future of Humanity: Technology and Healing
01:15:03 - Energies of the Remaining Months of 2024
01:24:00 - September: A Month to Rediscover Love
01:29:44 - Unveiled Mysteries in October and November
01:32:06 - Embracing the Control Within Us
01:34:15 - The Final Trio
01:40:36 - The Time Capsule Question: Legacy for Future Leaders
Guest: Gaia Chinniah | Soul 33
Website | https://www.soul33.com/\
Gaia's App | https://www.soul33.com/the-app
Book Session with Gaia | https://www.soul33.com/book-now
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/soulthirtythree
Host: Emilio Ortiz
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/
Subscribe to YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/EmilioOrtiz
Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense
Special Offerings to Support the Show:
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✦ Receive 10% off any purchase from Intelligent Change, elegant tools, and simple daily routines to instill positive change, including products such as "Five Minute Journal."
Use our code "EMILIO10" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/IntelligentChange-EmilioOrtiz
#120 Veda Austin - Does Water Speak to Us? Emotions & Self-Healing
Veda Austin is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 10 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe. Her primary area of focus is photographing water in its ‘state of creation’, the space between liquid and ice. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery.
Veda brings a message of hope and joy from the very source of life itself, she says “Water is transparent, it knows no colour, creed or religion. Water does not judge, nor does it label, it will enter the body of an ant as easily as it will enter the body of a king, or a homeless person or a tree or a dragonfly.
0:00 - Introduction & Prayer with Water
1:50 - Veda Austin on Current Excitements
3:38 - Impact of Water on People’s Lives
7:11 - Is Water an Extraterrestrial Life Form?
12:14 - Veda’s Conversations with Water
19:21 - Origins of Veda’s Journey with Water
32:43 - Water as a Mirror of Emotions
49:10 - Future Discoveries in Water States
59:51 - The Spiritual Aspect of Water
1:09:21 - Water's Sense of Humor
1:16:59 - Visual Journey Through Water Imagery
1:22:47 - Water as the Root of Language
1:25:19 - Facial Recognition in Water Crystallography
1:28:09 - Water Reading Future Events
1:30:52 - Symbolism and Hydro Glyphs in Water
1:34:49 - Water Responds to the Name Yeshua
1:41:13 - Understanding Hydroglyphs and Their Meanings
1:45:26 - Water's Communication with a Disabled Child
1:48:42 - Healing Power of Liquid Crystal Medicine
1:54:41 - The Mystery of Thought Materialization
2:00:38 - Homeopathy and Water’s Memory
2:05:55 - Water’s Self-Healing Through 5G Exposure
2:12:00 - How Water Sees Humanity
2:18:48 - Healing by Proximity: The Power of Free-Range Eggs
2:20:08 - Closing Reflections on Water and Humanity
Guest: Veda Austin | Water Researcher
Website | https://www.vedaaustin.com/
Veda's Freezing Techniques | https://www.vedaaustin.com/shop
Veda's UK/EU Tour | https://www.vedaaustin.com/event-list
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/vedaaustin_water/
The Living Language of Water Book | https://www.vedaaustin.com/vedas-book
Host: Emilio Ortiz
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/
Subscribe to YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/@EmilioOrtiz
Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense
Special Offerings to Support the Show:
✦ Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation on PayPal 👉 https://bit.ly/donate-justtapinpodcast
✦ Receive 15% off any purchase from Ra Optics, the world's best blue-light-blocking glasses. Use our code "justtapin" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/RaOptics-EmilioOrtiz
#119 Robin Jelinek - Channeling Athena: Role of Chakras, Manifestation, Authenticity
Athena is a group consciousness channeled by Robin Jelinek. Robin delivers the download of information she receives to the person asking. If that is you, expect to be met with the energy needed help solve your problem. It might not be your typical “spiritual” message or delivery, but you will feel the truth in it. This group is able to speak to your higher consciousness — the guidance system inside of you — if you agree to it. Essentially, you are able to receive messages from yourself that are delivered by the group. Just like them, you are part of all consciousness (people here call it “the universe”) and this is where the information comes from.
For over 40 years, Robin has been pursuing a greater meaning in life. She studied metaphysics and spirituality in great depth trying to find something, especially after her kids had grown up and moved out of the house. About 20 years ago she experienced a Kundalini awakening that is a very rare, almost out of body experience. It’s an experience that people have supposedly spent entire lifetimes to achieve. It was about this time that the group came knocking at Robin’s door, but it took another 20 years for her to realize it. Robin was first a wife, then a mother, and now she’s a channeler.
00:00 - Robin Jelinek / Athena in Truth Intro
02:57 - Journey of Growth and Spiritual Shifts
06:37 - Balancing Spiritual Thirst with Groundedness
08:35 - Merging with the Divine
11:01 - Manifestation and the Role of Chakras
15:54 - The Role of Teachers and Guides
22:12 - Connection with Divine Feminine Archetypes
25:44 - Merging Wisdom and Intellect
27:45 - War, Protest, and the Human Experience
29:03 - The Nature of Earth's Contrasting Plane
29:40 - Human as an Experiential Tool
31:52 - The Importance of Authenticity
34:16 - Taking Inspired Action
37:18 - Divine Principles and Laws of the Universe
39:56 - Emotions Across Realms
40:49 - Best Questions to Ask the Universe
43:53 - The Fate of Experiences After Death
45:46 - Kundalini Energy and Its Effects
53:51 - Athena's Connection to Robin
54:45 - Accelerating Consciousness
59:58 - The Future of Human Communication
01:01:52 - Channeling and Family Dynamics
01:05:08 - Kundalini and the Path to Opening Energy Centers
01:08:09 - Using Family as Mirrors for Growth
01:08:48 - Freedom Through Spiritual Connection
01:12:45 - Embracing Human Connections
01:15:43 - Congruence and Spiritual Choices
01:19:10 - Closing Thoughts on Authenticity and Free Will
01:20:37 - The Final Trio Questions
Guest: Robin Jelinek | Channel of Athena in Truth
Website | https://www.athenaintruth.com/
Work with Robin | https://www.athenaintruth.com/book
Live Q/A Membership | https://www.athenaintruth.com/membership
Online Courses | https://www.athenaintruth.com/courses
YouTube | @athenaintruth
Host: Emilio Ortiz
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/
Subscribe to YouTube Channel | @EmilioOrtiz
Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense
Special Offerings to Support the Show:
✦ Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation on PayPal 👉 https://bit.ly/donate-justtapinpodcast
✦ Receive 15% off any purchase from Ra Optics, the world's best blue-light-blocking glasses. Use our code "justtapin" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/RaOptics-EmilioOrtiz
✦ Receive 10% off any purchase from Intelligent Change, elegant tools, and simple daily routines to instill positive change, including products such as "Five Minute Journal." Use our code "EMILIO10" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/IntelligentChange-EmilioOrtiz
This latest interview with Pamela Aaralyn, future humans channeler, brings forth the teachings of Dolores Cannon, the Council of Nine, and Millie, a future human from the 2050's. Pamela's world predictions discusses the potential future of humanity, including advancements in technology, travel, medicine, and music. She highlights that mankind is at a turning point where we can choose to remember our true power and shift into a higher level of consciousness.
Pamela Aaralyn is a world-renowned Trance Channel, Mystic, Spiritual Teacher, Oracle, Remote Viewer, Galactic Historian. She is also a Sound Healer, Musician & Writer. Pamela is currently a Ph.D. student writing her work in the field of applied consciousness and practical mysticism.
With over four decades of dedicated training alongside these spirit guides, Pamela's unique focus lies in her encounters with what she refers to as "Humans from the Future."
00:00 - Pamela Aaralyn Intro
01:11 - Pamela's Early Psychic Experiences
04:15 - Activation of Spiritual Gifts
05:45 - Training on Time and Bilocation
09:11 - Wisdom from the Council of Nine
12:33 - Challenges of Ascending to Higher Densities
17:21 - Raising Conscious Children
22:17 - The Role of Suffering
23:24 - Earth as the Galactic Library
25:38 - Paradox of Earth’s Existence
27:16 - Connecting with Katara, a Parallel Life
35:45 - Channeling Dolores Cannon
42:00 - The Fourth Wave of Volunteers
44:15 - Dolores Cannon on Ancient Civilizations
56:07 - Pamela Channels Millie, a Future Human from 2052
58:24 - Life in 2052: Millie’s Perspective
01:08:48 - Climate Change and Its Impact
01:12:33 - Future Medicine and Technologies
01:15:55 - Evolution of the Education System
01:18:43 - Transportation and Energy Advances
01:21:42 - Interactions with Galactic Beings
01:24:06 - The Role of Intuition in Future Professions
01:27:29 - Future of Music and Healing
01:30:09 - Pamela’s Ethical Guidelines for Channeling
01:38:14 - Final Trio Questions
Guest: Pamela Aaralyn | Channeling Humans From the Future
Website | https://www.pamelaaaralyn.com/
Work with Pamela | https://www.pamelaaaralyn.com/booking
Past Classes & Channelings | https://www.pamelaaaralyn.com/past-classes-and-channelings
Pamela's Online Patreon Community | https://www.patreon.com/PamelaAaralyn
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/pamelaaaralynofficial/
YouTube | @PamelaAaralyn
Host: Emilio Ortiz
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/
Subscribe to YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/@EmilioOrtiz
Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense
Shop Our Clothing Collection l https://www.unlockedmovement.com/collections/justtapin
Special Offerings to Support the Show:
✦ Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation on PayPal 👉 https://bit.ly/donate-justtapinpodcast
✦ Receive 15% off any purchase from Ra Optics, the world's best blue-light-blocking glasses. Use our code "justtapin" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/RaOptics-EmilioOrtiz
✦ Receive 10% off any purchase from Intelligent Change, elegant tools, and simple daily routines to instill positive change, including products such as "Five Minute Journal." Use our code "EMILIO10" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/IntelligentChange-EmilioOrtiz
#117 John Davis - A Past Life with Jesus: Faith, Compassion, Miracles
This interview with John Davis ("John of New") recounts the most-detailed past life with Jesus and exposes Jesus' true teachings & the Vatican's lies. He shares his past life regression experience where he connected with his past life as John the Beloved, one of the apostles of Jesus. We uncover the true teachings of Jesus, such as the importance of turning the other cheek and staying in a state of love and non-reactivity. This podcast with John Davis, also explores the importance of coming back to oneself and realizing that all methods and religions are just pathways to finding love and oneness within.
John Davis was raised in a Catholic family and did not believe in reincarnation when an intuitive reader told him he "walked with Jesus," and revealed who he had been. Intuitively John felt that he had, but being Catholic he suppressed those feelings and brushed the idea aside. But God/Universe doesn't always let things go. Over the next year, and without provocation, nineteen different readers told John of the same past life.
Still defiant and not wanting this information only from psychics, John found a past life regression therapist and was regressed. The results were startling. John had full sensory remembrance of the life and brings forth the lessons he learned under Jeshua's tutelage.
00:00 - John Davis Intro
04:39 - The Second Coming According to Jesus & Apostles
09:11 - Humanity's Beliefs Before Organized Religion
11:20 - John's Regression: Encounter with Jesus
15:52 - John the Beloved and His Connection to Jesus
19:54 - The Illusion of Physical Reality
20:37 - John the Beloved's Realization of Oneness
22:27 - Jesus' True Teachings on Love and Enlightenment
24:17 - Handling Confrontations with Love
30:14 - Jesus' Expression on the Cross
35:46 - Jeshua's Teachings on Self-Awareness
39:56 - Managing Fear and Changing Your Timeline
41:51 - The Power of Exhaling and Present Moment Belief
43:20 - How Jesus Healed Through Faith
49:50 - The Unification of Masculine and Feminine Energies
53:16 - Religion and Gender Constructs
56:12 - Hidden Teachings in the Vatican Library
01:00:15 - Love vs. Fear in Religion and Society
01:04:33 - Touching God and the Universe Connection
01:06:31 - Mary Magdalene's Reawakening
01:10:34 - Suppression of Feminine Energy
01:15:16 - Yeshua's Understanding of Divine Union
01:21:09 - Manifesting Desires
01:23:50 - Most Inspirational Moments in Life
01:27:09 - God Speaks in Feelings
01:28:29 - Message from Yeshua's Inner Circle
01:33:11 - Humor in Spiritual Teachings
01:37:20 - Funniest Moments with Yeshua
01:39:13 - Final Trio & Time Capsule Question
Guest: John Davis | "John of New"
Website | https://www.johnofnew.com/#/
1:1 Private Sessions with John | https://www.johnofnew.com/private-sessions.html#/
YouTube | @johnofnew
Host: Emilio Ortiz
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/
Subscribe to YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/@EmilioOrtiz
Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense
Shop Our Clothing Collection l https://www.unlockedmovement.com/collections/justtapin
Special Offerings to Support the Show:
✦ Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation on PayPal 👉 https://bit.ly/donate-justtapinpodcast
✦ Receive 15% off any purchase from Ra Optics, the world's best blue-light-blocking glasses. Use our code "justtapin" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/RaOptics-EmilioOrtiz
✦ Receive 10% off any purchase from Intelligent Change, elegant tools, and simple daily routines to instill positive change, including products such as "Five Minute Journal."
Use our code "EMILIO10" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/IntelligentChange-EmilioOrtiz
Just Tap In is a space to remember your place in the greatest awakening in human history. Gen-Z host, Emilio Ortiz, reveals illuminating conversations and deep insights alongside the pioneers in mindset, health, business, science, and spirituality. Together, we are bridging the new consciousness and empowering the next generation of leaders to level up and co-create the New Earth. Humanity’s next evolution begins inward, and this platform serves to accelerate your self-discovery and go within. Every week you will receive relatable nuggets of wisdom and gain practical tools from thought leaders, experts, and mentors. Open mind, open heart.
IG: @iamemilioortiz
Watch Interviews on YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/EmilioOrtiz
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