This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025!! Head to before March to continue to get all the Buffy rewatch goodness you need; moving f...
IMPORTANT!! This feed is being retired as of March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, including all of our previous coverage from 2016 and forward, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.
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This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025!! Head to before March to continue to get all the Buffy rewatch goodness you need; moving forward all of our Buffy content will be in one centralized location!
Buffering the Vampire Slayer is a rewatch podcast in which your hosts Jenny Owen Youngs and Kristin Russo discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer, spoiler-free, one episode at a time. Every installment of the podcast also includes a new original song recapping each glorious Buffy episode! *wolf howl*