Stuck in a spiritual rut? Listen to this weekly podcast from BYU Speeches to hear tried-and-true messages from decades past. Find old favorites and discover hid...
The Three Pillars of Eternity | Bruce R. McConkie | February 1981
The Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement are the foundations of salvation. As we understand them better, we can live to gain eternal life. Click here to see the speech page.See for privacy information.
Have No Regrets | Richard G. Scott | September 1999
Richard G. Scott uses object lessons to illustrate the principles of trust and discernment. He admonishes listeners to live with no regrets. Click here to see the speech page.See for privacy information.
The Scriptures and the Restoration | L. Tom Perry | November 2003
Anciently and through the Restoration, God has given us indispensable revelation. He promises immense blessings if we study the scriptures. Click here to see the speech page.See for privacy information.
Making Covenants with God | Henry B. Eyring | September 1996
God provided a savior and a gospel that teaches us life's purpose, and He provided covenants to make with Him—with ordinances to signify them. Click here to see the speech page.See for privacy information.
“Who We Are and What God Expects Us to Do” | Jeffrey R. Holland | September 1987
BYU is founded on inspiring tradition that, when understood and honored, helps us fulfill the lofty mission of this university. Click here to see the speech page.See for privacy information.
Stuck in a spiritual rut? Listen to this weekly podcast from BYU Speeches to hear tried-and-true messages from decades past. Find old favorites and discover hidden gems from the BYU Speeches archive with these well-loved talks from apostles, prophets, professors, and professionals. These messages of faith, hope, and other holy principles are sure to lift and inspire you.