welcome. I'm hoping it's here you will find subversive ideas, disruptive thoughts, experience and hope, some spiritual depth and genuine questions... this is a ...
SummaryIn this engaging conversation, Danielle Strickland and James Scholl discuss with Jared Brock the themes of evil, the nature of Satan, and the insights from his book 'A Devil Named Lucifer'. They explore the misconceptions surrounding the devil, the importance of human agency, and the dynamics of spiritual warfare. The discussion also touches on the relevance of biblical teachings in understanding modern issues of morality and choice. In this conversation, the speakers explore the complex themes of freedom, autonomy, and the influence of the devil in contemporary society. They discuss the paradox of freedom as seen through the lens of Jesus' sacrifice, the misconceptions surrounding demonic influence, and the need for discernment in understanding mental illness versus spiritual oppression. The conversation also delves into the economic injustices that reflect satanic principles, the false gods of modern society, and the importance of recognizing God's sovereignty over evil. Ultimately, they emphasize the Christian mission of liberation and the necessity of right-sizing both God and the devil in our understanding of faith and life.TakeawaysThe devil is not an equal opponent to God.Satan's role is often misunderstood in modern Christianity.Human agency plays a crucial role in resisting evil.The concept of possession is more about individuals holding onto demons.Footholds and strongholds can be identified in our lives.Freedom is about choosing the virtuous, not autonomy.The devil's influence is often through lies and deception.Understanding the historical context of evil can reshape our views.Revelation reflects cycles of rebellion and salvation throughout history.The portrayal of Satan in popular culture is often inaccurate. Freedom is often misunderstood in the context of autonomy.Demonic influence is prevalent in popular culture but often misrepresented.Exorcism is a fundamental aspect of Jesus' ministry.Discernment is crucial in distinguishing between mental illness and demonic influence.Economic systems can reflect satanic principles of greed and injustice.Modern society has diversified its false gods.The devil serves a purpose in God's plan for growth and character development.Deliverance is a universal need for all individuals.Right-sizing God is as important as right-sizing the devil.Liberation is a core mission of the Christian faith.Chapters00:00 Introduction to Powers and Principalities03:09 Jared Brock's Journey and Background06:04 Exploring the Book: A Devil Named Lucifer08:56 Understanding the Nature of Evil11:46 The Misconceptions of Satan14:47 The Devil's Influence and Human Agency18:02 Footholds and Strongholds in Life21:06 Possession and the Nature of Demons23:55 Revelation and the Cycle of History26:58 Freedom vs. Autonomy27:56 The Paradox of Freedom and Autonomy29:15 Understanding the Devil's Influence Today30:13 The Role of Exorcism in Christianity32:39 Discernment Between Mental Illness and Demonic Influence34:55 The Economic and Social Implications of Evil36:28 The False Gods of Modern Society39:16 The Satanic Nature of Economic Systems41:34 Using Adversity for Growth43:55 Right-Sizing God and the Devil48:45 Liberation as a Christian MissionLinks: https://www.jaredbrock.com Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at daniellestrickland.substack.com/subscribe
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Emergency Podcast: What's going on with immigration in America.
SummaryIn this episode of the Right Side Up podcast, host Danielle Strickland and guest Alexia Salvatierra discuss the current state of immigration in America, focusing on the challenges faced by immigrants and refugees. Salvatierra shares her extensive experience in immigration advocacy and highlights the drastic changes in policies that have made it increasingly difficult for individuals seeking asylum and temporary protected status. The conversation delves into the legal processes surrounding immigration, the implications of recent executive orders, and the political motivations behind anti-immigrant sentiment.Salvatierra emphasizes the importance of recognizing the contributions of immigrants to society and advocates for a humane and ethical immigration system. In this conversation, Alexia Salvatierra and Danielle Strickland explore the themes of fear, faith, and the role of immigrant communities in the current socio-political landscape. They discuss the metaphor of an uncontained fire to illustrate the fear politicians face, the importance of faith in overcoming fear, and the revival brought by immigrant churches. They emphasize the need for Christians to act with courage and sacrifice, support immigrant communities, and seek trusted voices amidst misinformation.The conversation calls for a collective movement towards love and understanding, urging listeners to engage with and support those in need.TakeawaysAlexia Salvatierra has been involved in immigration advocacy for over 45 years.Current immigration policies are unprecedented and draconian.Temporary protected status is being removed for many vulnerable individuals.Legal processes for asylum seekers are being undermined.Venezuelan refugees face unique challenges due to their government's refusal to accept them back.The immigration system is broken, with limited pathways for legal entry.Deferred deportation status is now a priority for deportation.Political motivations often drive anti-immigrant sentiment.Immigrants contribute significantly to the economy and society.A humane immigration system is essential for the country's prosperity. The experience of an uncontained fire symbolizes political fear.Faith can help us overcome fear and take action.Immigrant churches play a crucial role in spiritual revival.Moving towards those we fear can lead to understanding.Courage and sacrifice are essential for Christians today.Building relationships with immigrant churches is vital.We must support those in crisis as brothers and sisters.Finding trusted voices is crucial in navigating misinformation.Liberation comes from understanding and embracing others.Asking good questions can lead to meaningful action.Chapters00:00 Introduction to Immigration Issues in America01:25 Alexia Salvatierra's Background and Experience03:49 Current State of Immigration Policies06:47 Understanding Temporary Protected Status10:00 Legal Processes and Their Implications12:52 The Situation of Venezuelan Refugees14:27 The Broken Immigration System18:21 Deferred Deportation and Dreamers22:20 The Political Landscape of Immigration26:57 Ethical Immigration Practices29:47 The Uncontained Fire: A Metaphor for Political Fear32:25 Faith Over Fear: A Biblical Perspective35:55 The Role of Immigrant Churches in Revival39:51 Moving Towards the Stranger: A Call to Action46:39 Courage and Sacrifice: The Christian Response51:41 Building Bridges: Supporting Immigrant Communities57:05 Finding Trusted Voices: Navigating MisinformationLinks: https://www.juntosencristo.orghttps://worldrelief.orghttps://www.pcusa.org/about-pcusa/agencies-entities/interim-unified-agency/ministry-areas/immigration-issueshttps://www.umc.org/en/how-we-serve/social-issues/immigrationhttps://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/what-we-do/immigration-services/http://www.alexiasalvatierra.com/media.html Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at daniellestrickland.substack.com/subscribe
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SummaryIn this conversation, Danielle Strickland and James explore the themes of the Gospels, particularly focusing on the book of John. They discuss the unique characteristics of each Gospel, the concept of the Cosmic Christ, and the radical identification of Christ with human suffering. The dialogue delves into the significance of creation, the essence of God as love, and the importance of seeing Jesus as the ultimate revelation of God. They emphasize the need to rediscover Jesus beyond traditional interpretations and to understand the profound implications of His incarnation.Takeaways* Each Gospel has its unique style and message.* John's introduction is a poetic reflection on creation.* The concept of the Cosmic Christ connects all matter to Jesus.* Christ's incarnation signifies God's solidarity with the oppressed.* The light of Christ brings order to chaos and new beginnings.* All people are created in the image of God, challenging hierarchical views.* God's essence is love, as revealed through Jesus.* Understanding Jesus is key to understanding God.* The Bible points to Jesus as the Word of God.* Rediscovering Jesus can transform our understanding of scripture.Titles* The Gospels Unveiled: A Journey Through John* The Cosmic Christ: Light in DarknessSound Bites* "John's like an art film."* "The word became flesh."* "God is love."Chapters00:00Exploring the Gospels: A Unique Perspective03:21The Cosmic Christ: Understanding John 106:21Radical Identification: Christ and Human Suffering09:15Creation and New Beginnings: The Light of Christ12:17The Essence of God: Glory and Revelation in Christ15:08The Nature of God: Love and the Incarnation18:03Rediscovering Jesus: The Word of God21:04The Power of Poetry: Advent Reflections32:00lifestyle-intro-low-long.wav Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at daniellestrickland.substack.com/subscribe
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SummaryIn this episode of the Right Side Up podcast, Danielle Strickland and James explore the Gospel of Luke, emphasizing the importance of perspective in understanding scripture. They celebrate the voices of women in the Advent story, particularly through the lens of pregnancy as a metaphor for discipleship. The conversation delves into the vulnerability of the Nativity, the flow of power in the biblical narrative, and the revolutionary message of Mary's song. They also discuss the need for transformation in how we view power dynamics and the significance of the Nativity Project, which offers a fresh perspective on the Christmas story.Takeaways* Perspective matters in understanding scripture.* Women's voices are often marginalized in biblical narratives.* Pregnancy can be a metaphor for discipleship and surrender.* The Nativity story highlights vulnerability and strength.* The flow of power in Luke's Gospel subverts traditional hierarchies.* Mary's song is a revolutionary message of hope and justice.* Decolonizing the Bible involves recognizing different perspectives.* The invitation to transformation is open to everyone.* Art and storytelling can enrich our understanding of scripture.* The Nativity Project offers a fresh perspective on the Christmas story.Titles* The Right Side Up Podcast: Advent Perspectives* Celebrating Women's Voices in the Nativity* Pregnancy and Discipleship: A New LensSound Bites* "We're putting the vent in advent."* "Perspective really matters."* "Mary's perspective is key."* "What about the men?"* "God speaks through wombs."* "The invitation is open to you."Chapters00:00Introduction to the Right Side Up Podcast00:48The Importance of Perspective in Understanding Scripture02:32Celebrating Women's Voices in the Advent Story05:47Pregnancy as a Metaphor for Discipleship10:04The Vulnerability of the Nativity15:39Decolonizing the Bible: The Flow of Power in Luke20:05Mary's Song: A Revolutionary Message26:11The Invitation to Transformation32:13Exploring the Nativity Project Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at daniellestrickland.substack.com/subscribe
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Mark's Advent
KeywordsAdvent, Gospels, Jesus, Mark, Good News, John the Baptist, Non-Compliance, Resistance, Social Transformation, WildernessSummaryIn this episode, Danielle Strickland and James Sholl explore the themes of Advent through the lens of the Gospel of Mark. They discuss the fast-paced nature of Mark's writing, the political implications of the good news, and the role of John the Baptist as a figure of resistance. The conversation emphasizes the importance of non-compliance and individual action in the face of empire, as well as the transformative power of the wilderness. They also delve into scriptural references and the call to social transformation inherent in the good news of Jesus.Takeaways* Advent is a time of progressive revelation of Jesus.* Mark's Gospel is characterized by its immediacy and urgency.* The good news subverts the empire's narrative.* John the Baptist embodies radical non-compliance.* Non-compliance can be a powerful form of resistance.* Individual actions can lead to collective change.* The wilderness serves as a training ground for transformation.* Scriptural context enriches our understanding of the message.* The good news calls for both personal and social transformation.* Living out the good news requires intentional resistance to the status quo.Titles* Adventing Through the Gospels* Mark: The Gospel of UrgencySound Bites* "Mark just gets on with it."* "I refuse to comply."* "There's more adventing to come."Chapters00:00Adventing: A New Perspective on the Season06:17John the Baptist: The Rebel Voice11:48Resistance Training: Embracing the Wilderness17:54The Call to Transformation and Justice23:27Baptism: A Declaration of Social Transformation29:30Finding Freedom in Resistance32:54Introduction to the Conversation32:54Exploring Personal Growth and Transformation Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at daniellestrickland.substack.com/subscribe
About Right Side Up Podcast with Danielle Strickland
welcome. I'm hoping it's here you will find subversive ideas, disruptive thoughts, experience and hope, some spiritual depth and genuine questions... this is a way of one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread. I'm glad you are here. daniellestrickland.substack.com
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