10. The Path Ahead: Remediation and Clean-Up
Throughout this ten-part series, scientists, lawyers, advocates, and product producers all weighed in on our worldwide PFAS problem. While, yes, we have come a long way in understanding the scope of the issue and began moving away from PFAS, at least in the outdoor industry, many questions still remain.
One of the primary questions is, what should we do with all the old PFAS already in the environment?
Guests featured in this episode:
- Scott Wilson, Regenesis
- Philippe Grandjean, Environmental Epidemiologist
- Matthew Eshed, Research Fellow
- Stefan Posner, Polymer and Textile Chemist
- Kevin Myette, Bluesign
- Greg Breitmaier, Mystery Ranch
- Alex Lauver, Outdoor Research
- Regina Goller, Jack Wolfskin
- Ammi Borenstein, Snaplinc Consulting
- Mike Schade, Toxic Free Future
If you want to learn more about what PFAS are, where they are found, the proven health effects, how you can limit your exposure, up to date news on PFAS, and how to get involved in PFAS regulatory efforts visit
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/outdoor.minimalist.book/
WEBSITE: https://www.theoutdoorminimalist.com/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@theoutdoorminimalist
Fund the Forever Chemicals 10-Part Podcast: https://gofund.me/77aac225
Snaplinc Consulting provided expert fact checking and guidance for the creation of this podcast.
Snaplinc Consulting provides corporate sustainability strategies and ESG support across a broad range of industries including apparel, footwear, home furnishings, software, cosmetics, professional services and more.
Head to snaplincconsulting.com to learn more and contact the experts to guide you through complex topics like CSRD, PFAS, greenhouse gas assessments, SBTi, CDP, EcoVadis, B Corp and many more compliance and certification frameworks.
Episode Resources
Safer States: https://www.saferstates.org/priorities/pfas/
EPA Drinking Water Standards: https://www.epa.gov/sdwa/and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfas
CERCLA: https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2024-04/pfas-enforcement-discretion-settlement-policy-cercla.pdf