"Kingdom Talk!" is about all things Kingdom. Every episode your host, Mark Banyard, will be talking to his guests about their experiences and insights in over t...
Notes from a Journeyer's Journal: Hearing the Voice of God
Pastor, teacher, equipper, trainer, exhorter, mentor, and pioneer of ministries, Jono Turner is our guest today. He is from New Zealand and was first on our show back in August of 2023. In this episode, I talk with Jono about hearing the voice of God. From his years of experience, he brings a wealth of personal insight as well as biblical understanding. Support the showThanks for listening! Be sure not to miss the next episode. Subscribe now! https://tinyurl.com/4usvdsws KingdomTalk! podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Overcast.
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Carriers of the Cry: A Conversation with Paul and Jan Smith
Rediscover the transformative power of intercessory prayer with our special guests, Paul and Jan Smith from New Zealand. Reflecting on their teenage years, they share how the fervent prayers of elderly church members, especially Mr. Wheatley, left an indelible mark on their spiritual journey. Paul expresses his desire to revive the passionate 'cry' of intercession he witnessed in his youth, which has inspired his aspirations to pen a book about the power of prayer. We discuss how the dynamics within Christian communities have morphed over time and the need for a spiritual reset, especially in the wake of COVID-19.Join us as we explore the priceless legacy of intercessory prayer and the responsibility of passing this spiritual heritage to future generations. Paul and Jan delve into how the wisdom imparted by past generations has shaped their spiritual path and the distinction between carrying the burden of God's heart and movements of Holy Spirit renewal, such as healing and sending. This heartfelt conversation underscores the importance of documenting and sharing these treasured experiences for the benefit of those who will follow, ensuring the continuity of this spiritual inheritance.Support the showThanks for listening! Be sure not to miss the next episode. Subscribe now! https://tinyurl.com/4usvdsws KingdomTalk! podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Overcast.
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Kingdom Talk! with your host Mark Banyard.
This last episode for 2024, Mark Banyard, host of KingdomTalk!, as the end-of-year wrap-up, reflects back on 2024 as well as shares his thoughts with regard to the year to come, 2025.Scripture verses used: John 10:10, Galatians 2:20 and Luke 18:8.Support the showThanks for listening! Be sure not to miss the next episode. Subscribe now! https://tinyurl.com/4usvdsws KingdomTalk! podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Overcast.
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KingdomTalk! with our guest Mas Suzuki
My guest today is Mas Suzuki. He was born and raised in a traditional non-Christian family in rural Japan. At age eighteen, Mas became a Christian at an Assemblies of God church in the US while visiting there. Presently, he is a a lecturer at Central Bible College, Tokyo (Japan Assemblies of God seminary) where he has taught for the last 28 years. Also, Mas and his wife, Barbara, pastor a church in Higashikurume, Tokyo, Japan. Mizuba Community Church:http://www.mizuba.jpCentral Bible College, Tokyo (Japan Assemblies of God seminary):https://www.cbc-j.ac.jpMas has a Ph.D. in Church History from Bangor University in Wales. His dissertation is entitled, "The origins and the development of the Japan Assemblies of God: the foreign and Japanese workers and their ministries (1907 to 1975)"https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/files/28245403/Masakazu_PhD.pdfSupport the showThanks for listening! Be sure not to miss the next episode. Subscribe now! https://tinyurl.com/4usvdsws KingdomTalk! podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Overcast.
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Kingdom Talk! with Peter Tsukahira - Part 2
Earlier this year, I had another chance to talk with Peter Tsukahira. We posted Part I of my conversation with him at the end of March. This episode is Part II of that recording.Peter is a Japanese American who has pioneered churches in Japan and Israel. In Israel, along with his wife Rita, they co-founded Mount Carmel Congregation.  Biblical References: Exodus 17:8-16;Deuteronomy 25:17-18;I Samuel 15:2-3 - AmalekitesMatthew 11:10-14; Luke 1:17 - John came in spirit and power of ElijahMalachi 4:5-6 - Prophecy about JohnEphesians 2:14-16 One new manZechariah 12:3 - Jerusalem a heavy stoneJohn 17:4 - I have glorified you by accomplishing the work you gave me to doMatthew 28:18-20 - Go make disciplesEphesians 4:11-13 - Five-fold ministry*Peter's new book "EQUIP":https://www.petertsukahira.com/booksSupport the showSupport the showThanks for listening! Be sure not to miss the next episode. Subscribe now! https://tinyurl.com/4usvdsws KingdomTalk! podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Overcast.
"Kingdom Talk!" is about all things Kingdom. Every episode your host, Mark Banyard, will be talking to his guests about their experiences and insights in over the years in advancing the Kingdom of God through their ministries.*Music by Tim Moor from Pixabay.