Life and Books and Everything is a podcast hosted by Kevin DeYoung where discussions center on, well, life and books and everything. As a church pastor and theo...
Kevin welcomes to the podcast Brandon Crowe, a native Alabamian, an SEC fan, a Teaching Elder in the PCA, and a professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary. Believe it or not, there is only question about football, and it comes at the very end. The rest of the time is spent trying to explain things like the hypostatic union, the communication of properties, Christ’s descent into hell, and how the Son of God could be ignorant of the time of his return. Lots of good theological exploration as Kevin talks to Brandon about his book The Lord Jesus Christ (Lexham Academic).Chapters:0:00 Sponsors & Intro5:49 The Person and Work of Christ12:53 The Descent Question26:12 The Transformation Question38:40 Sponsor Break40:36 Some Definitions44:19 4 Major Heresies49:18 “An” vs. “In”53:45 Christ’s Offices1:00:16 Concluding Theses1:04:31 Until Next Time…Books & Everything:ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible: Theology Rooted in the Word of GodSerious Joy ConferenceThe Pastor: His Call, Character, and WorkWTS | Master of Arts in Theological StudiesThe Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ
A Very Special Episode with Justin Taylor and Collin Hansen
There has been some concern that Justin and Collin have been kept out of the “very special guest” designation. In order to make up for past offenses, this episode, with two very special guests, is being hailed as a very special episode. The three amigos start out by talking about football (of course) and a new cultural openness to Christianity. Then they turn their attention to New Year’s resolutions (which they all have) and books on time management and productivity (which Justin and Collin do not read). The episode finishes with a sweet conversation about their wives and lessons learned over the decades of marriage.Chapters:0:00 Sponsors & Intro4:15 Football, Culture, and Spirituality15:26 Goals, Habits, and Productivity40:07 Sponsor Break42:02 Marriage, That Blessed Arrangement1:04:46 Books on Marriage1:08:29 Until Next Time…Books & Everything:Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the ChurchSerious Joy ConferenceThe Pastor: His Call, Character, and WorkWTS | Master of Arts in Theological StudiesThe Spirit of the Game: American Christianity and Big-Time SportsRules of Life (Justin Taylor)Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs to MakeMystery of MarriageThe Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of GodWhen Sinners Say "I Do": Discovering the Power of the Gospel for MarriageLove That Lasts: When Marriage Meets GraceGospel-Shaped Marriage: Grace for Sinners to Love Like SaintsThis Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence
A Life of Hope and Hurdles with Andre Levrone and Sydney McLaughlin Levrone
How can you shine as a Christian in the world of professional sports—when sometimes your dreams come true and often they don’t? What does it take to be an elite athlete (and why is it a great profession for sleep enthusiasts)? You’ll want to listen to this special episode of LBE as Kevin asks Andre, a former NFL player, and Sydney—an Olympic champion, world champion, and world record holder—about the pressure of being the best and the freedom of being in Christ. And don’t miss the bonus questions from a couple DeYoung children.Chapters:0:00 Sponsors & Intro 3:38 What did it feel like? 7:11 A Question From a Fan 8:49 Olympic Relationships 11:05 Life as a Professional Athlete 16:31 How Did You Two Meet? 20:40 Another Fan Question 22:06 Life and Testimony 32:29 Fifty Seconds 35:57 The Lifestyle of an Elite Athlete 40:08 Sponsor Break 41:55 Fame and Faith 47:45 Nature vs. Nurture 58:46 What’s Coming Up? 1:01:10 Book Recommendations 1:03:26 A Message to Christian Women 1:05:51 Until Next Time…Books & Everything:ESV Daily Reading Bible: A Guided Journey Through God's WordSerious Joy ConferenceThe Pastor: His Call, Character, and WorkWTS | Master of Arts in Theological StudiesWhat Is the Gospel?What Is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission
It’s Christmastime with Justin Taylor and Collin Hansen
We’ve all been waiting, and it’s finally here: the annual Christmas LBE. Listen in as the three amigos talk about Christmas movies, favorite books, which LBE member is the most like Jerry Seinfeld, and, of course, the airing of many grievances.Chapters:0:00 Sponsors & Intro5:50 The Vibe Shift20:10 Let’s Talk About Christmas30:02 Sponsor Break31:20 The Airing of Grievances49:27 Books & Everything55:22 Until Next Time…Books & Everything:How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire BooksDesiring God | Great JoyPuritan Treasures for TodayWestminster Theological Seminary Biblical Language CertificateThe Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental IllnessDaily Doctrine: A One-Year Guide to Systematic TheologyChristopher Ash on the PsalmsThe Beechers: America's Most Influential FamilySwing Low, volume 1: A History of Black Christianity in the United StatesLetters of John CalvinDigital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online AgeTill We Have Faces: A Myth RetoldPastoral Theology
What Is the Mission of the Church? with Brian DeVries
Mission is one of those words that Christians use all the time. So are words like “missions” and missionaries.” But what do they mean? Is “mission” even the best word to use to describe what Christians should be doing in the world? In today’s episode, Kevin talks with fellow Michigander, Brian DeVries, about his new book You Will Be My Witnesses. Brian has led church planting teams in South Africa and currently serves as a pastor and a seminary president in South Africa. He’s written an insightful and helpful book calling church and Christians to be witnesses for Christ in speaking, in living, in defending the faith, in working for church growth, and in suffering well.Chapters:0:00 Sponsors1:51 Introductions11:29 The Book and the Mission of the Church25:19 The Concept of Witness32:15 Five Witness Themes39:17 Sponsor Break41:00 On Evangelizing52:35 The Church As Hospital, Temple, Embassy, School, and Fortress58:07 Stop DoingThis, Start Doing ThatBooks & Everything:In the Lord I Take Refuge: 150 Daily Devotions Through the PsalmsDesiring God | Great JoyPuritan Treasures for TodayWestminster Theological Seminary Biblical Language CertificateYou Will Be My Witnesses: Theology for God's Church Serving in God's Mission
Life and Books and Everything is a podcast hosted by Kevin DeYoung where discussions center on, well, life and books and everything. As a church pastor and theology professor, Kevin loves to talk about faith, theology, history, current events, and the occasional hot topic. The format for LBE includes interviews with leading authors and thinkers, recurring conversations with Justin Taylor and Collin Hansen, and the occasional solo musing from Kevin. Listen in and we hope you will learn something, laugh a little, and get some good book recommendations along the way.
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