Why Psychology is Worthless: Super-Duper Extra Special Bonus Final Episode (with Daniël Lakens & Smriti Mehta)
OK, we may have a problem. Here, in this, our fourth attempt at a final episode, we welcome our friends from the excellent Nullius In Verba podcast Daniël Lakens and Smriti Mehta (yes THAT Smriti Mehta) to discuss why psychology is worthless. Or whether psychology is worthless. Something like that. Anyway, enjoy! This is the last one for sure...
Final Final Final Comments
Rachel had a baby! Paul left academia! It is all happening and we have the world exclusive scoop for you dear listeners in this ultra special super secret extra extra final episode of MOACTAQ.
Final Final Comments!
Super top secret bonus episode because Paul misses Rachel and because we can do what we want you're not the boss of us.
Final Comments!
Rachel is leaving academia, and Paul is moving on to a new career stage, so we've decided to put the pod to rest. In this, our last pod, we make some final comments and send out some final thankyous as we cast MOACTAQ gently down the river. Be well, everyone.If you'd like to keep in touch you can contact us at:[email protected], Twitter: @[email protected], Twitter: @paulrconnor
Letting the Chat Out of the Bag (with Alex Kogan and Luke Hartman)
Like almost everyone else, we are impressed and a little freaked out by recent advances in AI, particularly in the context of large language models like ChatGPT, so we invited our most AI-obsessed friends and family members (Luke Hartman from Tumult Labs Alex Kogan of Scholar Exchange) on the pod to talk about it. If you missed Alex's back story here's his wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Kogan_(scientist) And here's a link to Luke's app top topic: https://www.toptopicapp.com/