H.A. and Stuart take on the latest news and reviews of zombie content as well as other undead, monstrous or dystopian media this side of the zombocalypse.
Reanimated finishes up in the bunker for now with the second season of Silo. Back to our regularly scheduled undead fare.
Episode 438: Silo S2E9 The Safeguard
We get a lot of answers about what went on in Silo 17 and Lukas finds out a lot about what is going on in Silo 18. The lives of ten thousand hang in the balance.
Episode 437: Silo S2E8 The Book of Quinn
A rare miss for Silo, this episode had Reanimated wishing we had the bends and could just hang out underwater until the plot decided it wanted to move on in a more meaningful manner.
Episode 436 - Silo S2E7: The Dive
As Mechanical tries to strike a blow in the psyops battle, Bernard is making moves on multiple levels as usual. In Silo 17 Juliette and Solo undertake a huge mission but then Juliette is faced with a dangerous mystery! Yikes!
Episode 435: Silo S2E6 Barricades
Bernard continues to race all over the Silo attempting to quell the growing civil unrest. Lines are being drawn and sides are being chosen.
H.A. and Stuart take on the latest news and reviews of zombie content as well as other undead, monstrous or dystopian media this side of the zombocalypse.