On the StoryTellers Live podcast, everyday people share real and personal stories. Some stories are profound, challenging, and emotional, while others are more ...
Defined by Jesus - A Story of Struggling with Mental Illness:: Aimee Caverly :: [Episode 314]
Studies show there has been a rise in mental illness over the past few years, with one out of every four adults reporting experiences with the disease. However, as today’s storyteller reminds us, there is HOPE! Amy Caverly, from our community group in Raleigh, North Carolina, vulnerably shares her story of battling mental illness for most of her adult life. From extreme anxiety, fear, and paranoia to delusional visions, intense lies from the enemy, and multiple trips to the psychiatric hospital, Amy is raw about the suffering she faced as she was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. It wasn’t until she accepted her diagnosis and turned to the Lord that she found healing, purpose, and hope, knowing God can bring light into the darkest of places. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - It is imperative to have God’s Word infused in your life because “self” creeps towards the negative. - When you don’t claim your true identity, you claim the lies of the enemy. - Following Jesus is a lifelong process of God making us more like Him. Do you need help with mental illness, or do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Wellspring Christian Clinic Suicide Hotline “The Truth” by Megan Woods Listen to a similar story: Jenny Strickland- Ep. 290: “God’s Healing in A Story of Mental Illness.” Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of our past storytellers and the 4th annual Stories of Hope Luncheon! Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content! Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story
Filling My Lamp With Oil: Emily Holman’s Story :: [Episode 313]
The Bible tells us to let God’s Word dwell richly in our hearts (Col. 3:16), focus on what is true (Phil. 4:8), and keep our eyes set on eternity (2 Cor. 4:18). Today’s storyteller is going to beautifully remind you of the benefits that come from living out these verses. Emily Holman, from our Tupelo, Mississippi community, shares her journey of strengthening her faith in God and trust in His Word as she walked through two of her life's most challenging and heartbreaking seasons. This powerful story will encourage you to develop deep roots in your faith and learn the importance of, in Emily’s words, putting “oil in your lamp.” IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - When you find yourself in darkness and pain, you must speak God‘s truth - Like Peter walking on the water, you can do the impossible as long as you keep your eyes focused on Jesus. - With the help of God, suffering can turn to beauty. Links: Matthew 25:1-13 - The Parable of the 10 Virgins Listen to a similar story: Amy Grote- Ep. 20: “Healing Through Heartache- The Loss of A Child; Kara Potts- Ep. 173: Suffering in Hope- A Mother’s Story. Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Emily and past storytellers. Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content~ including Amy’s discussion with past storyteller Jessica Roberts (Jessica Roberts- Ep. 42: “Longing to Be Known”) on meaningful ways they honor and celebrate memories of their loved ones. Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story Our 4th Annual Stories of Hope Luncheon is on March 12th!
Hands Wide Open - A Story of Starting a Business :: Jessica Prier :: [Episode 312]
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecc. 3:11 God’s timing in the plan of your life is everything. But what do you do as you wait for that plan to unfold? Today’s storyteller reminds you exactly what to do: you pray, you seek, and you trust! Jessica Prier, from our Vestavia, Alabama, community, shares her journey of growing in her faith and in her gifting as she recalls the ways in which the Lord has led her to where she is today. If you’re in a season of needing guidance from the Lord, this story is going to remind you to have patience and know He is working behind the scenes to bring good to you and glory to Him. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - God places giftings and talents within each of us early on in life. - Sometimes, God closes a door and opens another one. - God wants to do immeasurably more than you could ask or imagine. Links: Listen to Jessica’s mother-in-law’s story- Marilyn Prier- Ep. 15: "Giving God the Frat House" Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Jessica and past storytellers Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content! Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story Our 4th Annual Stories of Hope Luncheon is on March 12th!
The Goodness of God: Meghan Brown’s Story :: [Episode 311]
“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” John 21:25 When life doesn’t go as planned, do you get paralyzed by your circumstances, or do you focus on God and His past faithfulness? Today’s storyteller, Meghan Brown, from our Fairhope, Alabama community, will encourage you to see the love of God in the midst of life's twists and turns. Through detours, disappointments, and a devastating loss, Meghan shares her story of learning the importance of looking intently for God’s goodness, especially when life's challenges leave you asking why. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - In challenging moments, focus on the characteristics of God. - There is a difference in believing what is true and resting in what is true… believe God’s plan is good because He is good. - Good things, hard things, and holy things can occupy the same space. Links: Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard “Goodness of God” by Cece Winans Listen to a similar story: Leslie Presson- Ep. 223: “Hope Blooms” Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Meghan and past storytellers. Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Lacy Isbell of our Trussville, Alabama community! Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story Our 4th Annual Stories of Hope Luncheon is on March 12th!
Grieving with Hope and the Promises of God: Diane Lee’s Story :: [Episode 310]
As believers in Jesus Christ, we know we are not immune to grief, but as believers in Jesus Christ, we grieve with hope - hope in life after death, a new world that awaits us, and an eternity filled with the glory of God. Diane Lee, from our community group in Montgomery, Alabama, reminds us of these truths as she shares her journey of finding purpose in the loss of her daughter. This story will point you to the many promises found in God’s Word when you are walking through sorrow and suffering, and Diane’s joyful delivery will leave you strengthened in your faith and God’s love in the most heartbreaking of circumstances. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - In dealing with grief, allow God to be your strength. - Your suffering is never in vain. - Your pain can fuel your passion - use your story to glorify God and comfort others. Links: Do you need help with mental illness, or do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Wellspring Christian Clinic Suicide Hotline Listen to a similar story: Toma Knight- Ep. 254: “Living In Light of Eternity.” Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Diane and past storytellers. Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content~ including a Q & A from the room after Diane shared her story. Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive StoryTellers Live’s weekly newsletter for updates and details on our live gatherings! Our 4th Annual Stories of Hope Luncheon is on March 12th!
On the StoryTellers Live podcast, everyday people share real and personal stories. Some stories are profound, challenging, and emotional, while others are more common and relatable, shared with honesty and humor. All of these stories reveal what God can do in our lives when we trust Him with the details.