On the StoryTellers Live podcast, everyday people share real and personal stories. Some stories are profound, challenging, and emotional, while others are more ...
Grieving with Hope and the Promises of God: Diane Lee’s Story :: [Episode 310]
As believers in Jesus Christ, we know we are not immune to grief, but as believers in Jesus Christ, we grieve with hope - hope in life after death, a new world that awaits us, and an eternity filled with the glory of God. Diane Lee, from our community group in Montgomery, Alabama, reminds us of these truths as she shares her journey of finding purpose in the loss of her daughter. This story will point you to the many promises found in God’s Word when you are walking through sorrow and suffering, and Diane’s joyful delivery will leave you strengthened in your faith and God’s love in the most heartbreaking of circumstances. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: - In dealing with grief, allow God to be your strength. - Your suffering is never in vain. - Your pain can fuel your passion - use your story to glorify God and comfort others. Links: Do you need help with mental illness, or do you struggle with suicidal thoughts? Wellspring Christian Clinic Suicide Hotline Listen to a similar story: Toma Knight- Ep. 254: “Living In Light of Eternity.” Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Diane and past storytellers. Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content~ including a Q & A from the room after Diane shared her story. Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive StoryTellers Live’s weekly newsletter for updates and details on our live gatherings! Our 4th Annual Stories of Hope Luncheon is on March 12th!
Seek and You Will Find: A Marriage and Salvation Story :: Katie and JT Thornbury :: [Episode 309]
This Valentine’s Day week, we’re bringing you a couple’s story that is rare and raw. From our Homewood community, JT and Katie Thornbury openly share about the profound emptiness in their lives and marriage prior to knowing Christ—and how they miraculously came to know Him, together, well into their 30s. For years, troubled pasts and past experiences influenced how JT and Katie approached life and faith. Plus, striving in their careers and in their parenting meant they usually focused on themselves and not on each other. But through a series of hard circumstances and intense searching, JT and Katie found their hearts and marriage healed by Him. What better way to celebrate Valentine’s than to cheer on the Thornburys and their saved marriage? And even better, their secured salvation in Christ! In this episode, you will learn: –Without Christ’s loving direction, all areas of your life will bend toward emptiness. –Seek Him and you will find Him; He can use your doubts to draw you to Himself. –Even after we come to know Christ, every day requires surrender and dependence. Links: Reason for God by Tim Keller Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel Listen to a similar story: Andrea & Greg Carlisle- Ep. 98: “Broken & Restored: A Marriage Story and Sand & Oscar Price- Ep. Taste of Patreon Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Katie & JT and past storytellers Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content Register for the local workshop being offered on April 9th in Birmingham: Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive StoryTellers Live’s weekly newsletter for updates and details on our live gatherings! Our 4th Annual Stories of Hope Luncheon is on March 12th!
Unanswered Prayers of Good Desires: A Story of Singleness:: Hannah Finch :: [Episode 308]
Hannah Finch, of our Oxford community, always looked forward to married life and mom life. As the years crept by, however, she found herself decidedly single. Disappointment and sadness settled in her soul. Hannah never expected the reality of singleness—in fact, she had bigger expectations of God, initially believing that if she did what God asked, He would deliver. Listen as Hannah walks us through her important and profound journey of fighting for faith while living in singleness. It’s what she stakes her life on these days—but no one said it's easy. Hannah gets honest about her big feelings and unmet desires, and proves that accepting how we are made is what allows God to meet us where we are. Do you need to hear that God doesn’t cause your disappointments, but is there when they happen? Hannah’s story will do your weary heart some good. In this episode, you will learn: –Sometimes, even the good desires God gives you may remain unrealized. –God is in control. He is on your side, and He is not holding out on you. –You can trust God’s heart even when you can’t see His hand. Links: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Listen to a similar story: Jenna Tyson- Ep. 90: “The Gift of Waiting: A Story of Singleness” Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Hannah and our past storytellers. Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus contact~ including a “Where Are They Now?” with past storyteller Whitney Hubbard from episode 26: “Gaining a New Heart and a New Perspective.” Register for the online workshop being offered on February 6th- Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story. Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive StoryTellers Live’s weekly newsletter for updates and details on our live gatherings! Our 4th Annual Stories Of Hope Luncheon is March12th!
Divine Details: A Heart Transplant Story:: Jeanne Anne Love :: [Episode 307]
It’s February and we’re bringing you some love! Jeanne Anne Love, actually. From our Vestavia community, Jeanne Anne and her heart transplant story are a perfect nod to American Heart Month—and to the lifelong goodness and faithfulness of her Heavenly Father. For as long as she can remember, Jeanne Anne suffered heart issues and related illnesses. Though she lived a pretty normal childhood, come middle school, a heart transplant was needed. As Jeanne Anne walks us through this story, what seem to be minor details suddenly resurface as major moments—and it's exciting! The Lord even brought Jeanne Anne comfort through a supernatural encounter. Now, nearly 30 years after receiving a new heart, Jeanne Anne is working with heart patients and parenting a child with a cardiac condition. Listen and be encouraged that the Lord is working every detail of your every day. In this episode, you will learn: –In all your trials, God is right there with you. –Be on the lookout for sweet reminders of His love and care throughout your hard journeys. –You can trust God; He is intimately involved in every area of your life. Links: Listen to a similar story: Whitney Hubbard- Ep. 26: “Gaining A New Heart and a New Perspective” Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Jeanne Anne Love Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Taylor Gindlesberger of our West Cobb community! Register for the online workshop being offered on February 6th- Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive StoryTellers Live’s weekly newsletter for updates and details on our live gatherings!
He Takes Care of You: A Story of Surrender: Kahlie Metz :: [Episode 306]
Tuning into the Lord’s plans requires step-by-step surrender. In the case of Kahlie Metz from our Tulsa community, surrender was season to season and even state to state. Kahlie shares about years of uprooting and change, including a rocky relationship with her father, lost friendships, and several moves. An actress and singer, Kahlie says to combat the spiral of busyness and stress that had become her life, she performed at home just as much as she performed on the job. But as Kahlie started pouring into the Word, working on emotional wounds and taking her devastations to the Lord, she found peace even in her shakeups. He began speaking clearly to Kahlie through others, and her desires began aligning to His. This Scripture-filled story will remind you: He takes care of you! In this episode, you will learn: —His grace is always sufficient for you. –You can trust Him to lead you through life. –Lean into the Lord, and He will lean into you Links: Listen to a similar story: Allison Holt- Ep. 253: Look at What the Lord Has Done. Give to StoryTellers Live in honor of Kahlie. Become a Patreon Insider to access bonus content~ including a bonus story from Kim Currie of our Homewood community! Register for our online workshop ~ Finding God in the Details: A Guide to Discerning His Voice and Discovering Your Story, offered on February 6th! Shop for our When God Shows Up Bible Study series, including the newly released Discovering God in Stories of Faith! Sign up to receive StoryTellers Live’s weekly newsletter for updates and details on our live gatherings around the country!
On the StoryTellers Live podcast, everyday people share real and personal stories. Some stories are profound, challenging, and emotional, while others are more common and relatable, shared with honesty and humor. All of these stories reveal what God can do in our lives when we trust Him with the details.