Discover Swift Academy The Podcast, your essential guide to exploring the depths of development within the Apple ecosystem. Whether you are passionate about cre...
SwiftUI Animations: A Deep Dive with Chris Eidhof and Florian Kugler from
In this insightful episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Chris Eidhof and Florian Kugler, the brilliant developers behind Together, we explored the world of animations in SwiftUI, emphasizing the importance of understanding how SwiftUI creates and manages views and animations.
التحضير الخوارزمي و الطريق نحو شركات التكنولوجيا الكبرى
في الحلقة هاذي، استضفنا عبد الرؤوف الغريسي و مهدي الشيخ روحو، اثنين من الشباب التونسيين المتميزين في مجالاتهم. عبدرؤوف بدأ مسيرته في INSAT، أما مهدي فهو خريج المدرسة الوطنية للمهندسين بصفاقس، قبل ما يكمل تعليمه في ENSTA Paris. واليوم يخدمو مع بعض في Odoo.
Mastering macOS Security: Defending Against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks with Dave Poirier
In this second episode of our mobile security series, Dave Poirier, an expert in mobile security, shares a deep dive into defending against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks during user authentication on macOS applications. In this hands-on session, Dave breaks down the complexities of MITM attacks and demonstrates how you can secure your macOS app in five critical levels.
Deep Dive into iOS Mobile Security with Dave Poirier
Join us as we dive into the world of iOS mobile security with Dave Poirier, a senior iOS developer and security expert. Dave shares his extensive knowledge on topics like iOS security frameworks, common security pitfalls, handling sensitive data, incident response, and the ever-evolving mobile threat landscape. Drawing from his experience and resources such as OWASP and NIST, Dave provides actionable advice for developers looking to secure their apps.
Cracking the iOS Interview with Mayank Gupta
In this insightful episode, I sit down with Mayank Gupta, a Senior iOS Developer and co-founder of SwiftAnytime, to explore the journey of mastering iOS interviews. Mayank, the author of the book “Cracking the iOS Interview”, shares his in-depth knowledge on how developers can navigate the evolving iOS interview process.
Discover Swift Academy The Podcast, your essential guide to exploring the depths of development within the Apple ecosystem. Whether you are passionate about creating iOS applications, developing for Mac OS, or building server solutions with Swift or Vapor, this podcast is your ideal companion. Dive into captivating discussions, practical tutorials, and inspiring interviews with industry experts. Join us to uncover the latest trends, tips, and best practices to master the art of development on Apple platforms. Subscribe now to stay updated!
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