As Jews around the world engage in a seven-and-a-half year cycle of Daf Yomi, reading the entire Talmud one page per day, Tablet Magazine's new podcast, Take On...
Today’s Talmud page, Sanhedrin 86, asks what precisely do we mean when we call someone a "brother." Does a brother have to be related to us by blood? Or are there other, loftier things that bind us to each other? Listen and find out.
Sanhedrin 85 - Keep It Simple, Stupid
Today’s Talmud page, Sanhedrin 85, has the rabbis locking horns trying to explain a complicated phrase, before alighting on a very surprising, and very relevant, conclusion. Why is keeping things simple sometimes the wisest option? Listen and find out.
Sanhedrin 84 - Shtisels Shtisels Everywhere
Today’s Talmud page, Sanhedrin 84, discusses the severe punishment due to those who strike their parents. Hadas Yaron, star of the new show Kugel, a prequel to the smash-hit Shtisel, joins us to discuss why the shows are so successful. What is it about a troubled father-daughter relationship we find so captivating? Listen and find out.
Sanhedrin 82 and 83 - The Man in the Arena, with Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin
Today’s Talmud pages, Sanhedrin 82 and 83, remind us of our personal responsibility to act when, God forbid, God's very name is being desecrated. Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin joins us to talk about the lessons we can learn from the Biblical hero Pinhas, and why we must never wait for someone else to do what we know we must do ourselves. What profoundly Talmudic insight inspired Teddy Roosevelt? Listen and find out.
Sanhedrin 80 and 81 - Prison Break
Today’s Talmud pages, Sanhedrin 80 and 81, bring up a form of punishment that has been previously all but missing from the discussion: prison. Why do the rabbis rarely mention incarceration as a form of punishment? And what can we learn from them to reform our own profoundly broken criminal justice system? Listen and find out.
As Jews around the world engage in a seven-and-a-half year cycle of Daf Yomi, reading the entire Talmud one page per day, Tablet Magazine's new podcast, Take One, will offer a brief and evocative daily read of the daf, in just about 10 minutes. New episodes will be released daily Monday through Friday.