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The Awakened Podcast

Podcast The Awakened Podcast
Awakened Media
The Awakened Podcast, hosted by Brad Lail, is your gateway to exploring the mysteries of consciousness, spirituality, and the unseen forces shaping our reality....

Available Episodes

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  • The Crossroads: Robert Johnson, the 33rd Parallel, Selling Your Soul, Papa Legba, the 27 Club, Celebrities, Repentance & God's Love
    In this first episode of Tales from the 33rd, I dive into dive into one of the most fascinating and mysterious stories in music history—the legend of Mississippi blues musician Robert Johnson and how he allegedly sold his soul to the devil in exchange for musical talent. I cover Johnon’s connection the 33rd parallel, the location of the crossroads, the Dockery Plantation, Papa Legba and other African-American cultural traditions, Johnon’s lyrics to: Cross Road Blues, Me and the Devil Blues, and Hellhound on My Trail, his connection to the 27 Club, other artists who claim to have sold their souls such as Bob Dylan, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Eminem, and Snoop Dogg, I try to answer the question as to whether or not we can even sell our souls, Satan’s deceptions, salvation through Jesus Christ, and choosing the Light. Bible Verses Mentioned Ezekiel 18:4Matthew 16:26Psalm 121:7-8Proverbs 28:13Acts 2:38The Awakened Podcast LinksWebsite: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.comAbout: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/aboutEpisodes: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/episodesAwakened Merch: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/awakened-merchRecommended Books: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/books-to-readAffiliates: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/affilliatesContact: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/contactMake a Donation: https://ko-fi.com/theawakenedpodcast Social MediaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/theawakenedpodcast33Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/theawakenedpodcastYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAwakenedPodPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/theawakenedpod  Podcast PlatformsSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7sgD8qiEJORdwA7DZ0RxC4Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-awakened-podcast/id1737676305iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-the-awakened-podcast-187630087/Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/c41c3471-ef1a-4cdb-a3b8-268af150c4b8/the-awakened-podcast  Podcast Music Outro Music: Standing at the Crossroads by Jebb Mac Band. Veteran LinksWatch the film Tribal: https://www.amazon.com/tribal-movieVeteran Crisis Line: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/True Victory: https://www.truevictory.com/
  • Shape of Earth: Flat Earth, Electric Beings, the Firmament, Rainbows, Nuclear Bombs, Toroidal Earth, Craters & Fallen Angels w/ Dave Weiss
    In this episode, I’m joined by Dave Weiss, aka Flat Earth Dave. We discussed the electric world, electric beings, sprites, outer space, more land, the Heliocentric model of Earth, the Fake Space station, the speed of Earth’s orbit, the curvature of Earth, the Geocentric model of Earth, Erastosthenes, the Truman Show, Antarctica and the 324 hr Sun, a local Sun, the Kola Superdeep Borehole, My Lunch Break Channel, Old World Order and the Re-population of the World, the metaphysical and spiritual world, the Indian Moon landing, the Chinese Moon landing, plasma existence, plasmoids, prisms, rainbows, Sun Dawgs, the Firmament and the Ionosphere, plasma Earth, hemisphere Earth, plainosphere Earth, toroidal earth and the dialectic plane, electrical earth, Stars, the United Healthcare CEO shooting, N.E.W.S., media mind control, fake nuclear bombs, brains and galaxies, Antarctica and the Ice Wall, the Iron Republic,  Bruce Cathie Harmonic 33, craters on Earth and the Bible connection to fallen angels, giants, hidden history, Crrow777, the Lunar Wave aka the firmament wave, Santos Bonacci and the 13 Heavens above, donut Earth, apple Earth, Biblical Earth, true Earth, plane Earth, frequency warfare, spiritual and physical grounding, and detoxifying your body.Dave’s Links Website: https://flatearthdave.com/Download his App: https://flatearthdave.com/download/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DITRHThe Awakened Podcast LinksWebsite: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.comAbout: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/aboutEpisodes: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/episodesAwakened Merch: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/awakened-merchRecommended Books: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/books-to-readAffiliates: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/affilliatesContact: https://www.theawakenedpodcast.com/contactMake a Donation: https://ko-fi.com/theawakenedpodcast Social MediaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/theawakenedpodcast33Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/theawakenedpodcastYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAwakenedPodPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/theawakenedpod  Podcast PlatformsSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7sgD8qiEJORdwA7DZ0RxC4Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-awakened-podcast/id1737676305iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-the-awakened-podcast-187630087/Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/c41c3471-ef1a-4cdb-a3b8-268af150c4b8/the-awakened-podcast  Podcast Music Outro Music: Standing at the Crossroads by Jebb Mac Band. Veteran LinksWatch the film Tribal: https://www.amazon.com/tribal-movieVeteran Crisis Line: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/True Victory: https://www.truevictory.com/
  • God Within: Awakening, Unconditional Love, Hermetic Principles, Fruits of the Spirit, Gospel of Thomas, & Infinite Awareness w/ Logan Barone
    In this episode, I’m joined by former evangelical minister Logan Barone. Logan is the author of the best-selling book The Mystery in You: Discovering God in the Deepest Part of Your Being and the host of the Logan Barone spirituality channel on YouTube. We discussed the inspiration for his book, deconstructing identities, the dark night of the soul, his mini mystical experience of unconditional love within at a monastery, discovering Christian mystics and the mystical path of Christianity, knowing God through experience, finding God within, the light of the world, being vs doing, the Nicene Creed, Eastern philosophies, The Bible, God is Being, Infinite Awareness, consciousness,  mystical vs fundamentalist, repentance, Jesus’s awakening, living water, the Age of Aquarius, awakening to Christ within, walking in the light of life and creating your own reality, the Kabylion: The Principle of Mentalism and the Law of Correspondence ‘as above, so below, as within so without,’ the Fruits of the Spirit, the Gospel of Thomas, the Unified Field, Holographic Matter, the illusion of of Separation, the Matrix, infinite awareness, I am that I am, oneness with everything, mindful meditation and the heart space, evolution of the soul, remembering who we are, learning how to love, and embracing the shadow. Scripture Mentioned Matthew 5:14-16Luke 17:20-21Matthew 4:17John 14:16-17John 7:37-39Colossians 1:26-27Galatians 5:22-23Gospel of Thomas Verse 2 & 3Romans 8:9-111 John 4:12
  • The Horde: The Little Season, Christ's Millenial Reign, Gog and Magog, Trump's Golden Age, Age of Aquarius, Drones, Plasma, Ether, & He-Man
    In this episode, I talk about Satan's Little Season, Christ's Millenial Reign, The Bible, The Book of Revelation, Revelation 20:1-3, Revelation 20:7-10, Gog & Magog, Ezekiel 38-39, God's victory over satan, Fires, Drones, Plasma & Plasmoids, Ether, Dual Realities, Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius, Astrology, Chemtrails, Trump's Golden Age, Flouride in the Water, Online Porn Bans, an episode I did with Paul Stobbs of Understanding Conspiracy, the 1984 Masters of the Universe Book, 'The Horde', and He-Man.What is the Little Season?The "little season" refers to a period of time described in Revelation 20:1-3 and Revelation 20:7-10. It’s associated with the end of Christ’s millennial reign and Satan's final rebellion before his ultimate judgment by God.Revelation 20:1-3"And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time."Revelation 20:7-10"When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and will gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the Earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."Gog and MagogIn these passages, the names "Gog and Magog" symbolize the rebellious leaders or nations that Satan will gather for the final battle and the horde refers to the vast armies they command. These names are also mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39, symbolizing ultimate opposition to God.Ezekiel 38-39"Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war… You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land. This passage is primarily about a prophetic figure named "Gog" from the land of Magog, who will lead a large horde in a massive attack against God’s people - who I see as the collective Church of Christians.God’s VictoryThis rebellion will be short-lived, as God will swiftly destroy the armies with fire from heaven. And, as the scripture mentions, Satan will then be permanently cast into the lake of fire.The "little season" marks the end of Satan’s influence and the final judgment of all evil, paving the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ in the New Heavens and New Earth.Thoughts about the Little Season & New EarthSo, fires from heaven (fires in LA), a horde of troops covering the land like a cloud (drones in the sky). All of this sounds very familiar, right? It actually feels to me like we’re moving into a New Earth. Our collective vibrations are rising, people are waking up, and it feels like we’re almost separating into two separate versions of Earth, or two different realities. I saw a lady on Instagram who posted a video showing that there wasn’t any fires in Hollywood, but the news shows a different version. There’s countless similar stories to hers out there on the online right now. Maybe we’re in the early days of the New Earth and we’re just starting to see some of the effects of those changes now?The Age of AquariusThere’s lots of people who are into astrology who believe that we are exiting the Age of Pisces and headed into the Age of Aquarius. In astrology, each Age is associated with a Zodiac sign and represents about 2,160 years. The sign for Pisces is a fish and Jesus was often associated with fish; feeding 5,000 people with two fish, the coin in the fish’s mouth, helping his companions catch a bunch of fish, telling His followers he would make them fishers of men, etc. For the past 2,024 years there’s been an prominent display of Christian culture around the world. Christian-themed art, music, literature, philosophy, architecture, culture, science, and politics has dominated the world.Are we at the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ right now? Has the Little Season already begun?Things seemingly started to change between the 1850s and early 1900s. Since that time frame, beautiful, Christian-inspired architecture has been torn down and replaced with ugly, brutalist architecture. Christian history is being removed from the history books and Christ has been removed from schools. Many people may not remember this but in 2015, Google removed Jesus’ name from the Web. They put it back after Christians fought back. Over the past 100 years or so, pornography, drugs, and alcohol has consumed men. Modern mainstream media promotes and encourages fornication. Harmful chemicals have been added to food...Continue reading at www.theawakenedpodcast.com
  • Nephilim Agenda: The Federal Reserve, Hybrids, Epigenetics, the Watchers, Giants, Nimrod, Organoids & Spiritual Mapping w/ Dr. Laura Sanger
    In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Laura Sanger. Dr. Sanger is an author, speaker, retired clinical psychologist, and prophetic intercessor dedicated to helping individuals and communities break free from spiritual strongholds. We discussed her books books Generation Hoodwinked and The Roots of the Federal Reserve and how there is a Nephilim Agenda behind the decay of Christian societies, spiritual mapping, prayer assignments, visions in a dream, and visions, her revelation of children plugged into a wall from Christ in a cave, the key of David, the Sword of Spirit, paradigm shifts, being a vessel, for God’s will, the Great Awakening, Hegelian Dialectics, walking in the fear of the Lord, enlightenment, who the Nephilim are, human genome hybridization, overthrowing God’s kingdom, genetic code altering, descending on Mt. Hermon, the Watchers, Nephilim hosts, the Global Elite, global banking, big tech, big pharma, similarities between the globalist agenda and the nephilim agenda, epigenetics, tracing the footsteps of the giants, giants on the Solomon Islands in the interior of the Guadalcanal, single incursions vs multiple incursions theory, trans-generational warfare, predispositions, Ham’s sexual perversion, Nephilim genes, cursed bloodlines, Nimrod’s predispositions, the first globalist, the Tower of Babel, El Gibor, stargates created using forbidden knowledge, beastiality, Egyptian hieroglyphics, chimeras, the monetary system funding the Nephilim Agenda, Nephilim offspring and their bloodline, the three levels of heaven, being the Light of the world, eating the forbidden fruit, the Hebrew word NASA, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Satan the banker, Congressman Lewis McFadden, the 4th Industrial Revolution, users as enslavement, ugly architecture, one world government, the WEF, AI & quantum computing, genetics, nanotechnology, organoids, transhumanism, the hive mind, nanobots, global superbrains & mind control technology, anakainosis, grounded in God’s Word, spiritual mapping, four type of iniquities, iniquity on land, evicting evil spirits, the Horde, Agenda 2030, and 15-minute cities.‍Scripture MentionedEphesians 3:20Hosea 4:6phesians 5:11Genesis 3:14-15Genesis 6:2 & 4Genesis 6:9Genesis 10:8Genesis 6:4Genesis 11:4Ephesians 5:8-14Genesis 3:13Ecclesiastes 1:9Matthew 6:33Romans 12:22 Corinthians 10:5Eziekel 38:9 ‍Books MentionedSwitch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline LeafOn the Path of the Immortals by Thomas Horn and Cris PutnamUnearthing the Lost World of the Cloud Eaters by Stephen Quayle and Thomas Horn‍Dr. Sanger's LinksWebsite: https://nolongerenslaved.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurasanger444hz/

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About The Awakened Podcast

The Awakened Podcast, hosted by Brad Lail, is your gateway to exploring the mysteries of consciousness, spirituality, and the unseen forces shaping our reality. Brad delves into a wide range of thought-provoking topics, including metaphysics, ancient history, paranormal phenomena, and cutting-edge scientific theories. With a unique blend of curiosity and critical thinking, Brad engages experts, researchers, and storytellers to uncover hidden truths and challenge conventional perspectives.Whether it's decoding the mysteries of the 33rd Parallel, exploring the spiritual dimensions of plasma, or questioning the nature of reality itself, The Awakened Podcast invites you to expand your mind and awaken your spirit. Join Brad on a journey beyond the ordinary as he inspires listeners to think deeper, explore further, and awaken to the boundless possibilities of existence. Tune in to uncover the extraordinary in the everyday.
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