Join hosts Matt and Larry for biweekly audio adventures as they do a deep dive discussion on all things Bones Brigade/Powell Peralta videos. The tricks, the tre...
BBAS077: SK8-TV S01 E05 with guest Kilian Martin (The SK8-TV Files Vol. 6)
We’re back with another entry into the universally beloved Bones Brigade Audio Show SK8-TV Files, and this time around we are honored to be joined in the studio by the one and only Kilian Martin! A Powell Peralta pro, freestyle legend of the highest order, and connoisseur of all things 1980’s (and early 90’s) skateboarding, we sat down with Kilian to dissect Episode 5 of this mythical piece of aggro acetate, scene by scene. By this point in the show’s short timeline, the SK8-TV machine was finding its groove and firing on all cylinders, and this ‘Brigade-heavy offering is a perfect example; featuring interviews with Tony Hawk, Lance Mountain, Colin McKay- and even showcasing some classic Daniel Gesmer gliding and turning! Along with that we get some never before seen Ban This footage, a look at an early CASL contest, Skatemaster Tate’s short venture into Avant-Garde cinema, and much more. Why do birds sing? Why do fish swim? There’s only one way to find out… Join us, shall you?
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Instagram: @thebonesbrigadeaudioshow
Facebook: The Bones Brigade Audio Show
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BBAS076: The Search For Animal Chin - Special Edition with guest Jacob Rosenberg
Welcome to season 3 of The Bones Brigade Audio Show! To ring in the new year- and because one episode on the subject is simply not enough- we are welcoming our good friend, esteemed filmmaker, director, photographer and author, Jacob Rosenberg to the studio for a comprehensive review of the Special Edition of everybody’s favorite cinematic skate masterpiece, The Search For Animal Chin! Life-affirming revelations will be made and good times will be had as we dig into the deleted scenes, the easter eggs, the commentary, the making-of documentary, the lore and the legend. As always, this will be one to remember and re-play, chock-full of the kind of nerdy goods your skate-addled brains can only get here at TBBAS. Kick down to the 7-11, grab a Slurpee and join us- shall you?
You can help support our show by buying us a coffee:
Instagram: @thebonesbrigadeaudioshow
Facebook: The Bones Brigade Audio Show
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BBAS075: Holiday Special + The Year In Review with guest Ed McKirdy
Greetings, wall jammers! As the banner year that is 2024 comes to a close, we are sitting down with our good friend and de facto third member of the BBAS crew- our graphic artist Ed McKirdy- for a little year in review episode. This year was a big one for the show, with tons of incredible guests, a boatload of new episodes, amazing giveaways, a trip to the Skateboarding Hall of Fame awards, and a ton more- so why not talk about it? We get into the stats, the spins, the artwork, and everything in between. 2025 is just around the corner, with plenty more in store, so join us- shall you?
You can help support our show by buying us a coffee:
Instagram: @thebonesbrigadeaudioshow
Facebook: The Bones Brigade Audio Show
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BBAS074: Bones Brigade Video Tunes with guest Lio Kanine
Welcome back, Brigadiers! For this episode of The Bones Brigade Audio Show, Larry and Matt are joined by Lio Kanine of Kanine Records fame. We nerd out on Kanine's newly released Bones Brigade Video Tunes 2xLP, as well as The Search For Animal Chin vinyl from 2018 and so much more. Music and skateboarding... is there anything better? As always, there's only one way to find out. Join us, shall you?
You can help support our show by buying us a coffee:
Instagram: @thebonesbrigadeaudioshow
Facebook: The Bones Brigade Audio Show
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BBAS073: Rodney Mullen: From The Ground Up
On this episode of The Bones Brigade Audio Show, Matt and Larry are in the studio for a review of the much-beloved 2002 Rodney Mullen mini-doc, From The Ground Up! Stuffed with amazing archival footage showcasing his earliest days on four wheels, his time on Powell Peralta setting the standard for freestyle skateboarding, and his later years creating the blueprint for modern-day tech street skating- FTGU is a must-see nostalgia trip down memory lane for one of the all time greats. Did Rodney or Daewon come out on top? There’s only one way to find out. Join us, shall you?
You can help support our show by buying us a coffee:
Instagram: @thebonesbrigadeaudioshow
Facebook: The Bones Brigade Audio Show
Email us your questions and feedback to read on future episodes:
Join hosts Matt and Larry for biweekly audio adventures as they do a deep dive discussion on all things Bones Brigade/Powell Peralta videos. The tricks, the trends, the music, the history, the influence and more will be discussed.