Our shows aim to cover the following subjects: Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Metaphysics and the nature of reality. We will be talking to various experts ...
David McCready - Life beyond the Earht Plane and the assistance we get from beings on other worlds
Today we discuss life beyond the Earht (Earth) Plane, and the considerable assistance we get from beings on other worlds.David McCready is the author of Real Alien Worlds, The Great Simulator books and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten. https://www.greatsimulator.com/
Richard Martini - Past life Regression - Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code
Hello and welcome to the Spirit Guides Podcast with your host Mark Chatterton. Today I am pleased to welcome on board from the USA, film maker, author and musician, Richard Martini. Rich has been involved in directing and making films in Hollywood for several years now including, You Can’t Hurry Love, Point of Betrayal and My Bollywood Bride. In 2012 he directed a documentary on the work of Michael Newton on past life regression, and it is through his work in filming past life regression sessions that he has become involved in the world of the Afterlife, or the “Flipside” as he calls it. As a result, he has written and published six books about this subject. His first book, Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on how to Navigate the Afterlife, became a best seller on Amazon. He has recently released his sixth book, entitled Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code – Discovering the Blueprint for the Great Beyond. He also regularly has a “Hacking the Afterlife Podcast” which you can see on his website “The Martini Shot”. I think you would agree that Rich has plenty of different experiences to talk about, so a warm welcome to the show Rich.
How did you first get involved with filming these past life regressions?
You come from a Catholic background and were naturally sceptical when you first started recording these past life regressions. What was it that made you change your viewpoint about all this? Was there one particular event which affected you or was it a gradual process?
I understand that you have done some past life regressions yourself and that you have found that you once lived the life of a Buddhist monk in Tibet. What did you make of that and how has that revelation affected you?
In 2006 you visited Tibet, making a documentary with the Buddhist scholar, Robert Thurman, (father of actress Una Thurman). Before that you had made another documentary on Tibetans in exile in Dharamansala, India. So you seemed to being drawn to Tibet at that time?
What’s your view about angels?
In your latest book, Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code you include a session with the British medium, Tony Stockwell, who will be familiar to many of our viewers and listeners. How did you come to meet up with him and who did he channel in the session he did for you?
Lorna Byrne - Love from Heaven - Interview with TheSpiritGuides
Hello and welcome to the Spirit Guides.co.uk network radio show with your host Mark Chatterton. Today we are pleased to welcome back on the show, Lorna Byrne from Ireland. Lorna has been seeing and speaking to angels all her life and her best selling book, Angels in My Hair brought Lorna’s story to millions of people world wide. She has recently just had her fourth book published called, Love from Heaven, which we are going to discuss today. So a warm welcome to you Lorna.
Let’s begin by talking about the title of your new book, Love from Heaven, which is all about Love as a force. Do you mean a physical or a spiritual force?
You haven’t mentioned Love in this sense before in your books, so why now?
You talk in the book about how all humans have love in them, yet many of us lock away this love, due to lots of things like hurt or anger early on in our lives. How can the listeners help people like this who have locked away the love that is in them?
Does this mean that people we think of as evil leaders are not necessarily evil, but it’s just that the love that is within them is locked away so deeply that it is never shown in their lives?
Quite often when you describe what a guardian angel looks like, you describe them as wearing armour. Does this in some way reflect the mood of the human they are connected to, or does it mean that the angels are in some sort of battle taking place?
In Love from Heaven there is a whole chapter on the environment, especially on the hole in the ozone layer.
People seem to have forgotten that particular problem. What should we be doing to try and stop this getting worse?
You also mention Fracking which many politicians see as a solution to the world’s energy needs. Yet there are so many problems caused by fracking in places like America and Australia, such as water coming out of the taps that you can set alight with a match. It seems that the people in charge don’t care about what happens to the planet and are more interested in making money.
Later on the book, you mention how jealousy eats away at people, yet competition is not at all bad. I would say that competition is quite a negative thing as it divides people and turns them away from each other, not in as strong a way as jealousy, but it is till a divisive force.
In the past couple of years or so, it would seem that the world has become more violent again, with conflicts in Syria, Africa and now more recently in Iraq. Are the angels trying to stop all this from happening?
What can we be doing to help the world become a better place?
What plans have you got for the future?
David McCready - Astral Projection and seeking higher awareness
Welcome to EnjoyHolistic.com interview series with inspirational holistic and spiritual teachers.
Today we have David McCready, the author of Real Alien Worlds Volumes 1 to 7 and The Great Simulator parts 1,2 and 3 and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.
David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.
David's experiences have taken him to higher astral worlds and beyond into the non-physical, beyond the human form or ego.
He has also experienced other parallel worlds and human civilizations and brought back a wealth of spiritual knowledge to assist others in doing so too.We will touch on many subjects in this show but endeavor dig deeper into other subjects in future recordings.
Surviving Corona Virus from a Spiritual and Energetic Perspective with David McCready
Today we discuss how to survive the Corona Virus from an energetic perspective. What is a virus? How does it affect us spiritually and energetically. How we can align our energy system and thoughts to stay healthy. In the middle of the show David shares a powerful yet simple meditation technique to help align the body with your higher being and channel healing energies flowing from us from source and grounding them back into nature.
David McCready is the author of Real Alien Worlds Volumes 1 to 7 and The Great Simulator parts 1,2 and 3 and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.
David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.
David's experiences have taken him astrally to the higher astral worlds and beyond into the non physical, beyond the human form or ego. He has also experienced other parallel worlds and human civilisations and brought back a wealth of spiritual knowledge to assist others in doing so too.
Our shows aim to cover the following subjects: Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Metaphysics and the nature of reality. We will be talking to various experts within these fields to help our listeners gain a broader understanding of these subjects.
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